
Thursday, May 31, 2018

Not much happening in the studio.........

I did do some sewing but no progress to show on any quilt.  We had all of the hype about lots of rain coming from the tropical storm and up until 6:30 p.m. we only had a little over a tenth of an inch of rain.  On the 6 p.m. news they had shown flooding in the streets in towns 10-25 miles from here where they had gotten 2" or more.  We finally got some more rain, altogether a little under a half inch.    I'm wondering if the other side of my little town had more rain than I had.

My Dianthus are very showy this year.

There are lots of little tomatoes that I hope turn into larger red ones.  The tomato plants don't like extreme heat so after today we should be back into weather they like for at least a week.

Some more of my hostas have gotten really big in the last 2 years.  I might split some of them in the fall.

I have many different varieties which make for an interesting garden.


  1. Your hostas are so pretty. I see a few around the edge of the wooded area of my yard that the deer miss eating.

  2. The first rain we got 2.5 inches of rain. That was yesterday morning. Then yesterday afternoon we got a couple more tenths. North of us they got a lot of rain and we got sprinkle last evening. So it was spotty. Yout plants are doing well. Chris

  3. Just for eye exercise I went back and looked for the bunnies (*._.*). LOVE that floral color wash . Blossoms, tomatoes, hosta's, fun to see them grow.


  4. I used to plant hostas and had many varieties until the deer got a "taste" for them!! They even pulled them up out of the ground!! Very frustrating...
    Yours look really pretty--love them underneath trees around the bases...hugs, Julierose

  5. Pretty! It’s been a great spring for flowers!

  6. We've had rain forecast 3 times in the last week and haven't had more than a sprinkle, not enough to wash the pollen off the car let alone water the plants. I've given away most of my hosta because of the voracious deer and the loss of shade from tree removal.

  7. We have had rain for the past 4 days - usually late in the day or after we've gone to bed. This morning we even had a thunderstorm during breakfast. Needless to say, our plants are loving it (and there are SO many fungi popping up in the yard with the extra moisture). We have little green tomatoes, too -- along with baby zucchini and the beginnings of a few cucumbers. The lettuce and spinach are done until a new fall planting and the radishes are within a couple of days of their demise. Temps are approaching the mid 90s and heat indexes are already over 100 -- time for us to spend most of the day indoors venturing out mostly in the early morning before the heat builds too far.

  8. Love your Hostas - I really must try a couple in our garden, we have terrible problems with slugs and snails which munch their way through lovely leafy plants so I'm not sure if they would survive!


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