
Friday, May 4, 2018

Finally some finishing............

I finally machine quilted two small wallhangings so today I will do the hand sewing on the binding while my friends are here sewing.

Spring has finally arrived here in northern Illinois.  I have 2 Jonquils blooming behind the peony plants.

The Indigo Bunting came back yesterday and was here almost all day.

He is such a bright spot in the back garden.

The Redbud trees should be in full bloom in a couple days.  We got a little over 3/4" of rain late Wednesday and in the very early hours yesterday.  We really needed rain.  It has been very warm the last few days so everything has greened up quickly.  I mowed the front yard on Wednesday before the rain started but the backyard is mostly shade and can wait for another week or so.


  1. My daffodils next the house are a thing of the past with the heat we have had. The ones in the flower beds are in full bloom and look pretty. I am still looking for spring.

  2. lovely seeing everything in the north beginning to bloom I know you all had an extra long winter

  3. One day I hope to see an Indigo Bunting! It's not likely where I live. I just saw my first Oriole last year!

  4. Gorgeous little bird and such a lovely colour, goes beautifully with the green grass!

  5. Two pretty birdies you have in your garden! That blue is striking! Thank you for sharing - and actually catching the bunting on camera!

  6. Nancy A: rangerer@sbcglobal.netMay 5, 2018 at 11:42 AM

    We have often laughed about me taking the shirt off my husband's back, but yesterday I did it. While driving to a meeting in the morning, I noticed a hole at the neck of his collar. Said shirt is now washed and part of my stash. I enjoyed seeing the spring flowers while we were in Champaign/Urbana a week ago. We don't see tulips or jonquils here in AL.


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