
Friday, May 25, 2018

Cutting again.............

I finally started cutting my Kaffe fabric Trip Around the World quilt.  I got 8 fabrics cut so far out of 18.

I got another area filled in on the colorwash.

The lilacs are blooming right outside my bedroom window.  They are just loaded with blooms.

This variety isn't very pretty and such a pale lavender but the overwhelming scent makes up for that.  In past years not all 3 bushes had a lot of blooms on them but this year all three are loaded.

I dug up both of these hostas about 3 weeks ago and pulled a lot of new babies off them and then replanted the main part.  They are filling in nicely already..  The purplish plant is Red Penstemon and it is forming buds already too.
Both of my Bleeding Heart plants are blooming and they are both white.


  1. The Kaffe "trip" fabrics are lovely - I am sure it will be a very successful quilt.
    The colorwash is also coming along nicely.

  2. The Kaffe fabrics are going to look great together. Colorwash is coming along beautifully. All my plants have exploded this year except for the lavender which looks very sad (all 5 large ones). The problem is everything is blooming all at once and I am wondering if I will have anything left to bloom.

  3. sometimes it is relaxing to just cut fabric and not sew. I always loved lilacs so much I wish they would grow here - this year I have not seen any - you have to have a certain amount of very cold time to have blossoms here and I guess this year it didn't happen - there are two places in the near by tiny town that has lilac bushes and I always look to see if they are blooming - and they have not

  4. We have finished installing new flooring and now we're painting (sounds backwards to me) so I've been up close and personal with my fabric stash. I decided I'm going to quit hoarding my Kaffe fabrics and actually use some of them to make a baby quilt for my friend who is about to become a grandmother. They are perfect for her. I just need to look for a pattern that lets the fabrics shine. A three day weekend gives me plenty of time (in between painting) to do that - hope you have a good weekend!

  5. Beautiful Kaffe fabrics.

    Our lilacs still have not bloomed this year. You cannot beat the smell of them.

  6. So good to see you having so many blooms and happy things growing there! Looking forward to seeing that Kaffe trip grow, too!

  7. I always enjoy how you display your project for photo's. I know years and years of doing this, it just comes natural for a professional like you.

    The elegance of your floral color wash is truly a work of art. And WOW double clicked on it and it just glows.

    My lilacs are blooming too, with abundance this year also. And I went out yesterday to check my columbines, and sure enough they were in full bloom. My blue one didn't make it through the winter.


  8. Your lilacs sound divine -- and your other plants look so fresh and happy. The floral color wash is gong to be spectacular.

  9. Your Kaffe fabrics make me think it would be fun to make a really vibrant quilt with them and some batiks.
    Lilacs and bleeding hearts - two of my favourites! It must be heavenly smelling those lilacs.


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