
Wednesday, May 23, 2018

16 patch top finished..................

I finally turned the iron on last night and pressed the 16 patch quilt.  Some of the areas that look like a row of darker blocks are not as evident to the naked eye but sure show up in a photo.  As usual it is much prettier in person.

This is a closer view of 24 of the 64 fabrics in the quilt.  Click on the photos for a larger view.

I was able to mow the rest of the yard yesterday afternoon and then went back out for a photo shoot.  This is the whole Weigela bush.  They are rather odd shaped bushes but the beauty of the flowers makes up for that imperfection.
There are lots of buds on the red one that blooms later.

This tomato plant is called 4th of July and is supposed to have fruit before the Early Girl.  The $2.25 plant had blooms on it when I bought it last week and now there are tomatoes starting.

This is the other 4th of July plant in the back garden and there is a cluster of 5 tomatoes on it.  I have one other variety that has little tomatoes too but don't remember the name of it.  We are expecting hot weather starting Thurs or Friday and going through the weekend so the tomato plants should have a growth spurt.


  1. The quilt top turned out wonderful! I love the combination of fabrics. I need to mow my grass but it rained hard at 5 last evening so it is going to take today and tomorrow to get it to dry out so that I can mow.

  2. Your quilt flimsy is just lovely--I like your fabric have such a wonderful eye...hugs, Julierose

  3. The quilt top has such richness and light flickers because of the variety of fabrics.

  4. I'm admiring your stitching as well as the color choices and design of this quilt. I can just imagine that this is better seen on site than with a camera. Marnie Haines

  5. Studying the larger pictures is really worthwhile - it's fun to see all the different fabrics that are in that top! I can't believe you've already got tomatoes starting as people are only just starting to plant here now. Like you, I think we're supposed to be getting much warmer temperatures as the week goes on.


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