
Wednesday, March 21, 2018

What have I been doing?............

You may have noticed I haven't been doing much sewing lately.  It is because my daughter and I have been working frantically to finalize details, take photos, write descriptions for a pop-up shop that will open tomorrow noon.  If you are on the mailing list you should get an email today telling you about it.

In the photo: my pale pink cactus is still going strong.  It has bloomed many times this winter.  Some of my other plants haven't bloomed at all so I am really thankful for this prolific bloomer.

I have one last bud opening on the orange cactus.  I won't give up hope though that some of the others might still set buds and bloom in April.


  1. That is wonderful you are having another pop up shop! I hope you have lots of sales! The cactus are so pretty! Did you get any snow? It started very late last night here and it is still snowing hard.

  2. So reassuring to hear that you have to stage great hunts for a particular resource (the Kaffe triangles, I'm a post behind) - sometimes I think its just me who is not totally organized!

    I too am hoping for cactus blooms in April, so far most of mine are sleeping the winter away. Perhaps re-potting in the spring? Whenever that is....


  3. Always nice to see your cactus blossoms. Working on your Pop Up Shop and posting every day is time consuming only you can keep up with. There's always quilts that I've never seen before that show in your pop up. So fun to see your awesome creations.


  4. I love the pop up!! Your orange batiks quilt is keeping me toasty tonight through yet another Nor'easter!!


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