
Friday, March 23, 2018

My video has moved...............

Back in February my daughter sent me this screen shot from my grandson's (Zach Burkhart) Vimeo site.  It shows that my video has been viewed 20,400'm a movie star!  That is pretty exciting for little old me from a small town in the cornfields of Illinois.  Go here and here for my grandson's video business websites (business co-founded with Dominic Sansotta).  He does amazing creations for major big corporations as well as very impressive wedding videos.  I am honored that he did my video 6 years ago.  We didn't do a practice run.....he just said start talking.  He edited it and added music..........I am so impressed with his talent.

If you haven't seen my video it is available on my website now instead of on this blog.  Here is a link to the site.

Yesterday my website had visitors from every state in the US and 5 continents by 6:30 p.m.  Thank you everyone!!  This is amazing, this internet that connects all of us.


  1. You are so blessed to have such talented people in your family especially with talents that can help you and you can gift them with a beautiful quilt in return.

  2. The Internet has been amazing!!! Both as a connection tool and as a 'time wasting' tool!!! You can have friends over and not even vacuum!!!

  3. Those artistic genes run deep in your family.

  4. "DIDO" as to what Diane said... I did check out Zach's video website and OMG Wanda his business has really grown in 6 years.

    I am still smiling at all your quits you posted yesterday, everyone is a "exuberantly happy" quilt !


  5. So fabulous... I'll have a look too!

  6. Enjoyed seeing the video again. A few of us went when you were in Charlotte. Thanks for sharing you talents.

  7. Congratulations on gaining movie star status Wanda! I've watched the video a number of times since it was first made and enjoy each time. You have a talented grandson. There are plus and minus takes on the Internet but blogging and your experience with visitors to your site is one for the plus box!

  8. Nancy A: rangerer@sbcglobal.netMarch 24, 2018 at 11:38 AM

    It was so wonderful to see the collection of your work, and to hear you talk about your design process. Your work is amazing! I wish I was close enough to take a class from you. I really enjoy your inspiring blog.


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