
Monday, March 19, 2018

Family day...........

The two little great-grandsons entertained us again.  The littlest one is 1 1/2 years old.  His mom asked him if he wanted a Kringla and he looked up at me and smiled.  He knows where they come from.

I found some time to sew a fourth block with the Australian fabrics.  I made the first 3 in March 2014.  I just found the pieces for a 4th block in a box so I sewed it.  I was going to use the first 3 in a table runner but now I think I will use all 4 of these and try to do a medallion quilt.
I also looked for binding fabric for this quilt and I wanted it a little darker than the sashing.  I think this one looks pretty good.


  1. Those blocks are gorgeous! I am looking forward to see what you end up making with them.

  2. Those blocks are so pretty, I think a medallion quilt will be great.

  3. What awesome looking blocks these are Wanda. Very unusual and eye-catching fabrics give them a very distinctive look. The first one on the left is my favorite, maybe because of the zebra fabric. They are so you and will make a fabulous looking quilt.

  4. Is this a named star pattern? I am crazy about the Australian fabric blocks!!

  5. Beautiful inspiring blocks for a Monday, thanks!

  6. Wow, wow, wow Wanda ! Those Austrailian fabric blocks are amazing ! I've never seen fabrics like that. I like your choice of a darker binding also.

    And you are so blessed to have great grandsons, babies in families always make us smile, with all they do and say.


  7. I like that dark pink for the binding and I LOVE the Aussie blocks!

  8. I LOVE that 1 1/2 to 3 year age! The African fabrics look so pretty.

  9. So happy for you that you get to spend time with the little ones! That time is precious! Love the Australian blocks! Hope you’ll make many more!


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