
Saturday, February 10, 2018

Snow, and more snow..............

This is the view out of the kitchen window.  The snow dome is on top of a squirrel baffle above my bird feeder.  I measured 9.5" in my driveway at 2 p.m. just before my snow plow guy got there to clear it.  That was 6.5" overnight into yesterday morning and the next 3" was during the morning and early afternoon yesterday.

The coneflower seed heads have snow cones on them.

I always leave my Sedum flowers over the winter and clean up in the spring.  They always look like mushrooms.

I broke 2 pieces off one of my cacti one night last spring and put them in water.  The other piece bloomed in December.  Now this piece which doesn't even look that healthy is going to bloom.

This is the mama plant.  The other broken off piece bloomed when this one bloomed in December and now the second piece is blooming at the same time as the big plant.  It is almost as if there is a timer in the plant.  This is the third blooming for this plant.  My living room rarely has any lights on in it at night and the daylight is from the east so it seems to be a perfect combination for setting buds.  I also have my heat turned back to 58 at night and I think they like that.


  1. Very pretty snow pictures-glad it's you and not me-the reason I left WI/IL some 60+ years ago :-)

  2. Dorothy I live in Wisconsin/Illinois border and I think we have a out 9"here and it is snowing now and suppose to get more tomorrow and Sunday. I have Papillion dogs and when they go outside I swear I loose them in the snow.
    Wanda your cactus is beautiful. I have 5 and I am getting ready to prune off some of mine so that I can get more. They are my favorite. Where are you at with all that snow?

  3. Dorothy I live in Wisconsin/Illinois border and I think we have a out 9"here and it is snowing now and suppose to get more tomorrow and Sunday. I have Papillion dogs and when they go outside I swear I loose them in the snow.
    Wanda your cactus is beautiful. I have 5 and I am getting ready to prune off some of mine so that I can get more. They are my favorite. Where are you at with all that snow?

  4. That's a lot of snow! but at least you were prepared for it.That's how my cacti 'cutting/broken piece' looked last month but it's perked up now and looking more healthier. My kitchen window sill is facing west but it gets plenty of light. I'm having a knitting weekend - hope your secret sewing gets off to a good start:)

  5. It has been snowing continually here also. I have no idea how much as I am on the 10th floor of the hospital. What lovely delicate pink blooms.

  6. I'm jealous! Here in Rhode Island we are less likely to see those fine snowfalls, and NOTHING is more creatively inviting than whirling snow and a warm studio/sewing room.....with some batiks hanging around!!!!

  7. sure is a bit of snow! it looks pretty and glad you had someone to plow the drive

  8. You look quite snow covered/snow bound! And the cactus are always beautiful to see.

  9. WOW all that snow and cacti have it away our away so cozy

  10. My mom's cactus was like that - we were told NEVER to move it from its perch because the conditions were just right. And when she left that house and we moved the cactus, guess what. It failed to thrive and rarely if ever bloomed again. I so admire your many colors of Christmas cacti!!

  11. Beautiful snowfall—and a lovely day to quilt!!

  12. I keep my cacti in my laundry room and it’s very cool there and gets some morning light. They bloomed profusely this winter and buds fell off when I moved them around. So far we have had no snow in the St Louis area and none is predicted. We only had one light snowfall in December and that’s it. Your pink cacti is really pretty.

  13. Wanda,
    you must be the Christmas cactus whisperer. I've never seen anyone with so many blooms, even on the pieces that you are rooting. They are all beautiful, so thanks for sharing.

    Cheers from Linda
    [in SE Arizona where it has been very dry and in the 70's daytimes for weeks altho nights can be freezing since we are at 4600' elevation]. Crazy winter this year...

  14. Wow talk about snowfall--amazing.
    I have to re-pot my Christmas cacti--I've collected them over the years and put them all in one--two pots so they are looking pretty sad right now..
    so you put them in water??? I have always just put them in soil...I will try the water way this time...
    hugs, Julierose

  15. After all my bragging about our warm winter temps throughout January, we too got a good 5" last night. But you are the winner ! (*._.*)

    I hope I can send you a photo or two when my cactus finally blooms. You have influence so many of us to with Christmas cactus.

    I bought 6 prim rose plants yesterday. I will plant them in my OUTSIDE window box this week. They can with stand temps to -20. And I love to see blossoms with a snowing background. They will last till I put in my petunia's late spring I and always transplant them in my bigger garden.


  16. Nancy A: rangerer@sbcglobal.netFebruary 11, 2018 at 11:53 PM

    Snow looks so pretty, but your pictures remind me of one of the things I appreciate down here in Alabama:) I do remember enjoying it when I was young though. We do get snow here once in a great while, but it usually only lasts a few hours. I am glad we are retired and can usually stay in when it snows. People down here just don't know how to drive in snow. Two or three years also we had snow, and there were 90 accidents in the first hour and a half (our son-in-law is deputy fire chief, so he gave us that figure).


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