
Friday, February 16, 2018

Secret project..........

I can finally reveal the secret project I was working on.  My friend has received it and she was totally surprised which is what I planned to happen.  I made this one with 2" squares instead of my usual 2.5" squares.  A few days ago I mentioned going through my batik scraps looking for the perfect pieces and this is the project they were for.  It is just under 17" square.  It is for my friend Diane who convinced me I should have a blog 10 1/2 years ago.  She showed me some basics and then emailed me with suggestions in the first few weeks of my posting.  Her friendship means a lot to me and I wanted her to have her very own colorwash quilt to enjoy.
I showed the back a few days ago when I talked about the folded squares at the corners to use for hanging.  I didn't have the label on or the binding finished in the photo that day.

I quilted this one in the ditch in both directions with 4 different colors of Invisifil thread.


  1. What a nice quilt to surprise your friend with—it’s classic Wanda style. I’m so glad she encouraged your blogging. Thanks, Diane!

  2. What a great surprise for a good friend!

  3. What a awesome gift. So beautiful

  4. Our thanks to Diane for starting you on your journey that led you to share so much. A beautiful wall hanging....a great secret project that I know she will love.

  5. What a wonderful gift to thank your friend! It turned out beautiful!

  6. We all owe Diane a quilt. I am so thankful she pointed you in this direction. Your blog is valuable to me. Many thanks Wanda.



  7. A perfect gift for her—beautiful!

  8. What a lovely treasure for Diane, recognizing you should share your talent 10.5 years ago with the world. A true daily treat for all of us that enjoy your blog. Please tell Diane, thank you from me too.

  9. She deserves it...and it is lovely...

  10. Such a power packed little gem! All that color and light and the backing just oozes with warm color.

  11. SO glad Diane kept at it and convinced you to start your blog!! And what a marvelous gift you've given her.

  12. Lovely! Lucky friend! Question: How do you press the seams on the Or to one side in alternate rows? I like how you have stitched in the ditch so neatly.


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