
Monday, February 26, 2018

Glorious sunshine.............

I cut 61 more half hexagons with my GO die on the Studio die cutter yesterday.  When I brought them upstairs to lay them with the others the sun was shining through the west windows.  It almost felt like spring yesterday but this is northern IL and I'm sure we will see a little more winter.  I have more fabrics pressed ready to cut today.
Isn't this a beautiful batik?  I had to have a half yard of it.  I have no idea what I will do with it other than smile every time I look at it.


  1. We have had rain the last couple of days -and today is starting out rainy also.

  2. We are suppose to have sunshine today which will be a nice change from all the rain. Those plaids are so wonderful and that half yard piece is so pretty!

  3. Only 1/2 yard... I think I would have bought a few yards... and I don't buy much yardage!!! It looks like its is an ice dyed fabric!!! Yes we have sunshine too for a change. Still lots of water out there and the yard squishes like a sponge when we walk in it.

  4. I have so many plaid and never could cut them. I guess your idea is very pleasing to the eye. Need to get motivated and get something done. The sun is coming up again this morning. Have a Great Day. Chris

  5. Thanks for sending the sunshine this morning- the gray is gone (for now). Beautiful colors in the plaids. The batik looks like reflected light from a garden of flowers.

  6. I can't remember if I mentioned it but the speaker at guild this month spoke on batiks - how they are made, origins, etc. Very interesting. After hearing about the various steps, it totally explains why I adore them so much. The color saturation gets me every time. I'm not sure I wouldn't have gone all out and purchased a yard of this one!

  7. The weather people said it would be sunny here today--but nope! gray skies and overcast AGAIN!! (If I wanted Britain's weather, I'd have lived there lol) Anyhoo--that is one lovely batik...will be interested to ee how you use it...
    I love my Go Baby Accuquilt cutter--I wouldn't still be sewing w/o it as I have hand/shoulder issues....enjoy the sunshine...hugs, Julierose

  8. We have SUNSHINE here today - first time in a week. Oh, how I have missed it . . . must soak up lots of it today. Lovely plaids - that will be a super cool quilt!

  9. Hortons, Hortons, HORTONS! I'm enjoying today's sunshine too.

  10. I’m looking forward to seeing the plaid quilt. Love that batik. My Sadie, 7 year old dog, is spread out on the deck soaking up the
    Sunshine. Enjoy that sun.

  11. Thank goodness for those die cutters. Even if you had a template it would be so time consuming to rotary cut around each one. 78 cut the other day, and now 61, you're getting closer to your 200 plus. I have never seen that many different plaids all together. And before we know it you'll be showing it sewn together.


  12. Wow....that is a gorgeous batik. I hope it will be an early spring for you.

  13. The batik reminds of the sub technique, coloured then scrunched and left on a tray or in a tub in the sun - gorgeous!

  14. Yum! What a tasty looking batik - like raspberries with blueberries and a bit of cream! Only half a yard? I bow to your powers of restraint! LOL!

    Not much choice of plaids over here, although I add to my little collection when I see some. They are lovely and warm for winter quilts. Thank you for posting your progresses.

    We have "The Beast from the East" at the moment (luckily we've escaped the worst) which is coming from Russia, or so I am told. Just the odd flurries that haven't lasted but very cold for this time of year - I'm glad we don't get the minus 20s or worse though! I may just have to get the heating pads out for the chickens if it gets worse. We have had weather over Christmas that made me think of the Everglades at the bottom of the garden (although cold!) and now frozen hard like concrete! Roll on summer!


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