
Tuesday, January 16, 2018

2nd section sewn, 2 to go.................

It seems like the camera wants to emphasize the gray today.  It really is prettier in real life.  I sewed the second section of 8 rows last night after I got home from my great-grandson's 4th birthday party.  

I added these three fabrics after I had already sewn the first section.  I don't think it is noticeable that they aren't in the top section.  The center fabric looks a little blue in this photo but it is a nice gray.

I do my knitting while I watch Wheel of Fortune and again while the 10 o'clock news is on.  This is my January output so far.


  1. Great progress on the quilt. Building it brick by brick.

  2. This is Danice from Homespun Hannah's Blog. Very pretty design and fabrics. I always love seeing what you create next.

  3. The quilt is coming along nicely! The variety of the fabric you have are fabulous. We did not get the 6 inches of snow that was predicted. We only got maybe 2 or 3 over the entire weekend. It is darn cold, but at least the snow was less.

  4. The neutral fabrics are so lovely.

  5. I think this may be my new "favorite" of yours. LOVE IT!

  6. I agree... Good progress Wanda, and that's a lot of pretty knitting too.


  7. Hello Wanda, unfortunately, I can't seem to access your email account so I have a question about the triangle quilt (first quilt) under the Quilts using Kaffe Fassett fabrics. I recently purchased a bundle of his material and would like to make a similar quilt, my question is what size is it and am I right in assuming that the four triangles together start with 3" squares? I continue to follow your blog oh, this many years later Many thanks.

  8. Marie, you are a no reply so I can't get back to you with email either. Try this email for me: wshzebra AT comcast DOT com

  9. Wanda, that didn't work either, I must be doing something wrong, here is my email address:

    would you please email me? Many thanks

  10. I like those three late additions -- and you are right that no one will notice they aren't in the one already-sewn section. How can that little guy be FOUR already?!?! I don't want our Little Man to grow that fast but he is . . . nearly 18 months already.


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