
Sunday, December 17, 2017

Baking day............

I started out the morning yesterday with two batches of Chex mix.  I had done one batch the night before too.

Then it was a double batch of shortbread cookies.

Next was the chocolate Spritz cookies.  I made the plain ones the night before.

Here are the rejects, misshapen or broken cookies....I get to eat these.

Yesterday morning I noticed I have a red Christmas cactus blooming.  I thought this was a pink one but I hadn't marked it like I usually do.  It is a rosier red, not bright true red.

While I waited for butter to soften I brought up the colorwash that I designed earlier this week.

I have started sewing it together.  I got two more rows sewn on after I took this photo.

We are supposed to have weather in the 40s from now until Friday when the temperature will drop and maybe snow.  In fact they said we might hit 50 in mid week.


  1. Your cookies look great. Mine are all baked too but none of what you made. Mine are peanut butter, chocolate chips, and gooey butter cookies and also several batches of various fudge and peanut brittle. So glad it’s done now. We are having good weather too. Snow maybe on Christmas.

  2. I look forward to your chocolate spritz cookies at Christmas time, mmmmm! I might adopt the way you keep your little units together with the binder clips and numbered cards, great idea.

  3. the weather men are beginning to say that we will have a cold snowy Xmas week - I will believe the snow when it happens! a little more baking of favorites and then I'm saying it is done

  4. Looks like you are right on schedule with your holiday cooking.

  5. Your quilt blocks look amazing . . . it is going to be gorgeous.
    You certainly are a busy girl with all that baking, I bet your home smells marvelous:) Homemade goodies make a home smell cozy and full of love.
    Have a sweet day!
    Connie :)

  6. Your cookies look so beautiful. I'd make "mistakes" on purpose if I were you.

    I am trying to eat vegan, so cookie making is more difficult this year. I made some cardamon cookies yesterday but they weren't very good. I had a good recipe last year, but unfortunately didn't keep it handy.

  7. I was wondering if you were going to make spritz cookies. When I think of all my efforts in the past to make them and the dreadful flops they were, I just laugh and laugh. I just love Chex Mix. Maybe I should make some for gifts!

  8. You had a great day of baking and even got some sewing in too. It's that time of year with our extra baking and making gifts, the days just aren't long enough for us it seems. I plan on making more cookies tomorrow. I've got three kinds in the freezer now, but need more. I hope that will do it.


  9. Everything looks DELICIOUS! Merry Chrstmas!

  10. Yum! My dad always used to claim that the biscuits/cookies that he was tucking into were the broken ones, so your broken biccies brought back happy memories. Thank you.

  11. The cookies look so good! Tonight night will be my baking night as I want to put together some cookies for a friend I am having lunch with tomorrow.

  12. Cathy (the cartoon by Cayhy Guisewite) said that broken cookies have fewer calories! I can't make cookies ahead of time because my husband would eat them all before Christmas, so I just make a batch of peanut blossoms on Christmas Eve, although I really want to make some Snickerdoodles this year.

  13. love chocolate spritz cookies...everything looks delish!


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