
Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Lots of fun..............

My 2 students chose different ways of working on their colorwash pieces.  One started in the middle and the other on the top edge.

About an hour later this much was accomplished.

After lunch and a couple hours of fine tuning they were each happy with their designs and were ready to take down the rows and clip a number to the top of each row stack.  We used calendar pages again for the numbers.

Later in the day I took my 16 patch blocks to the design wall.  The large block isn't sewn together because the sections are the same size as the small blocks and it would be easier to sew this way.  I'm not sure I like the lighter fabric in the large block but I was just using squares that were already cut and leftover from another project.

One of my friends mentioned that she didn't get my last early announcement of the pop-up shop opening.  I suggested that she look in her junk mail and she found it there.  Subscribers, if you haven’t received emails from me recently, check your junk mail. And to keep this from happening in the future, click on the link in the box at the bottom of the note to add my email to your contact list. 


  1. Do you just cut up old calendars for the numbers? I get so many free calendars each year!

  2. You are one of the very few people I know who regularly varies the size of blocks within a quilt, and I really like that.

    I think the huge block (bottom-ish right-ish) has enough "visual weight" to balance the high contrast of the very light fabric in the star block. This top looks great to me.


  3. Wow, I could get that much laid out in a day? I keep procrastinating on starting because I think I won't get very far. The colorwash look great.

  4. Dear Wanda, as always your design sense is impeccable and your color ranges never cease to amaze me! How I wish I lived closer to be one of your students. They are lucky indeed! Hope you are feeling well, and recovered nicely.

  5. I am finding the very large block distracting from the overall feel right now. And it takes away from the star. I don't know if it is the size, placement or color. Otherwise I love the mix!
    The colorwash projects look wonderful....I like their designs a lot:)

  6. Your students did a remarkable job in one day. They are both very pretty. I completely agree with what Debbie said regarding the very large block in the lower right hand corner, but then, we all see things differently,

    Hope the sun stays with us today, as my husband would like to run the lawn mower today to get rid of the carpet of leaves and the sun always makes it feel warmer.

  7. That huge 16 patch looks a bit out of place. For the white in the star block, I wonder if that block could be overdyed with a very pale green or blue to soften it.

    Your students work is lovely!

  8. I’m thinking I may like your pp block more in this setting if it were dipped in tea. I love everything else though. The students did some great work on these blocks.

  9. Hi Wanda—I didn’t get any notice re last pop-up sale, not even in my junk mail. Any thoughts?
    Thank you, Melinda

  10. Your students did fabulous work.

  11. It is interesting to see how the two students tackled the project differently.

  12. I also find the white in the star block a bit distracting but love the 16" sixteen patch. I have no doubt your eventual solutions will be masterful. I wonder how it would look if you substituted one of the 4" patch blocks for one of the plain squares in the 16" block? Have fun!

  13. Love the colorwash designs done by your students. It's interesting how they approached it differently - but it proves that there is always more than one way to do something. Using calendar pages for the numbers is a cool trick - I'll definitely be using that one - thanks for sharing. As far as your quilt top layout goes - I'm always intrigued by how your brain works and look forward to seeing how you "finalize" it - ;))

  14. Really really liking the WIP with multi size blocks. Wow!! And what fun to watch the progress of your students with their color wash pieces.

  15. The 16 patch quilt is fascinating - the biggest block feels closest, the ones with the tiny squares farthest away, just like stars in the sky......


  16. I enjoyed watching your students work on their color wash pieces. . Did both have the same kits ? I too wish I could work on a color wash with you looking over my shoulder and even picking up a few pieces and placing them where they should go.

    Your 16 patch has become quite the show piece. I read all the comments and I wonder if they enlarged the photo. It makes a huge difference and I like the giant block, once it is all stitched together, it will blend right in. I don't like the idea of tea staining the star block or doing anything to it. Leave it as it is.

    Now that is my '2 cents worth' comment. (*._.*) JJM

  17. Love both colorwashes. The one and only I've done still makes me happy all these years later. You have inspired and instructed me and I thank you!


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