
Friday, October 20, 2017

Top sewn........

I thought I would get so much done yesterday because I started sewing the cross seams in late morning.  All I got done though was the four seams in this top.  It is SO much prettier in person.  Somehow I didn't expect to like it so well and that is why it stayed unfinished in a box for so long.  The fact is I love it!  I want to add a 2" border of the same leaf batik all around it.  I found another piece of it in my stash so I do have enough to do that.


  1. It is stunningly good. I love the balance of light and shade and the stars pop. I must admit that, like you, I did not expect to like it so much as I am all for your total colour bursts.
    I am so pleased you are getting back on track after your health problems. I find that sewing is my salvation since I started with heart problems and a retreat to my sewing room relaxes me so much.
    Best Wishes from Liverpool, England

  2. I really like this one, too. Glad you are better.

  3. This quilt is so awesome.....I really like it.

  4. Every day of progress this one gets more beautiful. It moves and shines. The leaf batik really does the hard work!

  5. Love this beautiful top. It sings nicely.

  6. This turned out beautifully--stunning piece hugs, Julierose

  7. Wanda, if you decide to sell this quilt, you may need to just open it up for bids! It is beautiful already!

  8. I love it! The fabric for the alternating blocks is absolutely perfect.

  9. Usually I don't like softer color quilts but I love this one, too, It reminds me of early winter.

  10. I agree with everyone, this quilt is beautiful. The leaf fabric ties it together.

  11. Love the colors of the stars and the contrasting leaf fabric. Contrast is important to me!

  12. If it looks this good in pictures, it must be extraordinary in person. I might have to stop by one day to see it for myself, after you finish it. You should keep it and enjoy it every day, especially since you love it so much. It could bring you happiness on days when you aren't feeling up to par or when things don't go as planned. Hugs

  13. Glad you pulled this one out of storage and turned it into a gorgeous top. I can see why you like it so much!!

  14. BEAUTIFUL!! You moved the light one in the top row AND the "pink one", didn't you? It looks terrific - ;))

  15. Wanda, I love this one too. It is unusual and dances! Glad you found and finished it.

  16. Every time I see this quilt top I see different images. From stars, flying birds, butterfly's, and octagons, (center is the leaf block of the octagon). The other day I commented it is mesmerizing and even more so today. I can hardly wait till you stitch the same leaf border on it.


  17. It is gorgeous! I think you should not give it away or sell it, but keep this one for yourself as you love it so much.

    Kind regards

  18. I think that, without a doubt, this is my favourite of your quilts. I love the soft look of it! it is so appealing I just want to keep looking at the picture for hours!


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