
Thursday, October 26, 2017

Alternate blocks...........

My littlest great-grandson and his mom visited me yesterday morning.  The little guy is a confident walker now and he moves fast!  I think he enjoyed playing with the toys without his big brother being here.  Later in the day I cut some 10.5" and 5.5" blocks to alternate with the triangle blocks that I have been sewing the last few nights.  Now the quilt should be closer to 60" x 80".
It was too dark and gloomy to take a photo of the first cactus bloom 2 days ago.  Today the sun came out for awhile so I had plenty of light.  This is one of my very favorite plants.  I love the pale pink.

I have moved all of my shipping boxes, tape, etc. out of the living room now that the first pop-up shop is closed.  I will be doing the photography for the second one for the next few weeks, lots of detail shots.  I will still have plenty of time to play with my fabric and design walls.  The only question is what to work on first.......I have about 5 that I want to work on.


  1. For somebody who isn't a big lover of browns and greens, I certainly like that fabric top middle. They all look great and have so much detail in them. Your cactus is so pretty - ours never do as well as yours - I think I over-water them!

  2. What a treat having your great grandson over. I take my grandkids to elementary school a couple times of week and I have a riot with them. Nice squares- so much interest in them. I think we get the sun today, waiting for buds on my cactus plants.

  3. Such a beautiful and delicate flower Wanda. The color is amazing, and from this angle reminds me a little of a hummingbird looking for a bloom on which to feed.

    Gonna be a nice day today, so we will pull out the rest of the tomato plants and bring the largest tomatoes inside to ripen, hopefully.

  4. I can see why this is a favorite, it’s beautiful. I have no buds but the plants are healthy so I’ll just wait and see.

  5. You totally amaze with you how many projects you complete let alone your excellent eye for color and placement of fabric. If only I had a tiny part of your talent I would be happy. All the best, katie

  6. I always thought a Christmas cactus blossom looked like an angel in a hurry with her head leaning forward and the wings fluttering behind. It's a beautiful blossom. The quilt is a fun one, lots of different fabrics to sort through.


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