
Thursday, September 14, 2017

Pre-cut pieces..........

I was looking for something fast and easy to sew last night and spied the box of 3" flannel tumblers that I cut from scraps last winter.  Luckily I had put the note in there of how many I had.  Also noted were the number of pieces across and the number of rows I could do.  It will be a baby quilt.

I was just ready to sit down when I noticed all of the junk caught in the wheels of my sewing chair.  Yuck!

All of this was caught in the 5 double wheels.  I couldn't get it all out but at least it looks better now.

Then I sat down and started sewing rows.  This will be some good sewing at night for a couple nights.


  1. How nice to have a project ready to sew when you need it. I suspect I have a few I should dig out and work on next time I am "at loose ends". After de-linting the inside of my machine, of course. And maybe a bit of sweeping and dusting?


  2. Your chair ought to roll a bit easier now. I need to do that to my chair. Those tumbler pieces will make for a nice cozy baby quilt.

  3. I am sitting here thinking how I need to check my chair wheels.

    I found a project with 66 small squares (6.5" squares) There is lots of fabric with it - but no instructions. I am not as organized as you are.

  4. I was cleaning my sewing room about a month ago and ran into a box of cut up fabric and a neatly folded pattern from Eleanor Burns that I started 10 years ago. Now to finish it....Glad you found your flannel pieces.

  5. LOL! You caught me completely off guard with those dirty wheels! I love visiting every day; I appreciate your commitment to posting something new each day!

  6. I understand the chair wheel problem! Mine need some serious de-threading... last time (metal wheels) I used a match!

  7. I try to have a "sew and not think" project ready at all times. It really settles me after a day's work. Wish our Texas weather was flannel ready!

  8. My wheels get disgusting too. It takes forever to undo it all.

    Those tumblers will make such a nice quilt.

  9. It's always nice to have a project all cut and ready to go - especially with notes of what you have and what you need to do. I don't always remember to do that when I set something aside - and then have to recount and re-think the whole thing when I pick it up again. And I don't usually have too much junk caught in the wheels of my sewing chair because I have laminated flooring in my sewing room, but you made me look - LOL - ;))

  10. Oh my, I love those flannel tumblers! That is going to be a darling little quilt! LOL at your wheel-clean-out remnants, what a pile!

  11. I can tell you are 'revving' your motor, to get back into your routine again. Pulling all those fibers from your chair wheels is a tedious job, that all of us neglect till our chair doesn't move anymore. And 'Kat Scott' using a match, what a quick way to get her chair rolling again. (*._.*)

    We got some rain today, and 'predicted' with more on the way. Well over 70 days without any moisture here in the valley.


  12. It's amazing just how much stuff ends up on the floor, no matter how careful we think we're being when cutting threads etc.I have a tumbler on the go , lovely when something quick and easy is called for.

  13. a tumbler quilt is on my to do list along with so may other things, I too am always amazed at what the wheels collect but worth it so much easier having a chair with wheels to scoot from one side of the room to the other!


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