
Saturday, September 2, 2017

My past few days..........

I was totally blindsided by the events of the past few days.  I ended up getting a pacemaker put in.  This is the same person who walked 55 minutes mowing grass 2 weeks ago with a push mower.  I was going downhill fast since last Saturday and this is why I couldn't get any quilt finishes in the last few days of last month.

I won't be answering any comments but do enjoy reading them.  Thanks for those who sent good wishes the last 2 days either silently, through comments or emails. 

I will do a couple more look-back posts in the next couple days.


  1. hugs, hon. Hope you are feeling better.

  2. Sorry to read this, hope you're feeling better very soon. Take care

  3. So good to hear from you. Sounds like some rough days, but you'll soon be feeling so much better. Thank goodness your family is nearby and taking good care of you too. Sending big hugs and prayers.

  4. Boy, when you got blindsided you didn't do it by half measures did you! Am very grateful you are on the mend! Have patience with yourself! Will keep you in my prayers for a very speedy recovery!!

  5. Praying for a speedy recovery Wanda!

  6. So sorry to hear this, hope you get to feeling better soon!

  7. So sorry to hear this - hope you'll be back to your usual energetic self real soon! I miss your blog when you're not there!

  8. Wow Wanda. This is a surprise. Hope the pace maker puts you back to normal. I love how active you are! Hugs.

  9. Vanuit Nederland wens ik je alle sterkte toe.
    Rustig genieten van de komende dagen.
    lieve groet Antje Kiewied.

  10. Praying for your speedy recovery. Iknow you will be back up and running soon. God bless.

  11. Prays and Hugs to all.

  12. Sending healing thoughts your way. I miss the gift of your daily artistic sharing. Be well.

  13. You got the prayers.....I knew something had happened. I am so glad that you got fixed up with the pacemaker. How very scary! We sure never know what battles/adventures await us . I am so very glad you are resting to get back to sharing your life with us. Hugs...gentle ones:)

  14. Feel better soon. Glad this got addressed. You are missed. We can't wait to hear from you after you recoup. I love exuberant color. I think you have affected my fabric choices of late. Always look forward to the read. We are fans!!!!

  15. Hi Wanda. I am Halina in Ontario Canada. I have been quietly following your blog for close to two years now. I love your sense of colour I love your joy for life. Both will get you through this period. Stay calm and know that you have brought and will continue to bring exuberance to others. Sending you a virtual hug.

  16. So thankful for technology and pacemakers.
    Praying for you.

  17. I wondered what was going on. I knew it seemed a bit "odd" for you to post "look back" for several days in a row.
    Take care and get better. Hugs and prayers!

  18. I'm sure this was frightening. Hope you'll be feeling much better soon. You're in my prayers for a return to your normal exuberant self! I always enjoy your blog. Take care!

  19. Sorry for the blindside. Glad your recovery has started.

  20. Best wishes for a speedy recovery! Love your blog and look forward to seeing what you, your quilts, and your garden are doing each day. Hope you feel better soon!

  21. Sending support and prayers from Texas! Best wishes for a quick recovery! Miss your blog!

  22. So happy to see your post today. Hoping the pacemaker gives you back your energy. Prayers continue.

  23. Best wishes for a speedy recovery and getting back to your quilts and garden.

  24. and here I thought maybe you were having problems with your eye again. I hope you snap back quickly with a pacemaker and have a very fast recovery - thinking of you

  25. Sending you a hug and a wish for a quick recovery. Take care.

  26. Hi, Wanda. Takes a lot to slow you down! I hope you are back to yourself soon.


  27. I am relieved to see this post. Yesterday's was so terse that I knew something was wrong. I hope you will make a rapid recovery and feel back to your old self in no time. We are all thinking of you and wishing you well. Take good care of yourself and mind the doctor. Sending a hug to you as well.

  28. So glad to hear that you are on the mend, Wanda. I have always marveled at the amount that you accomplish. And your tasks are really heavy duty most of the time. Please take care not to overdo when you return home. It's so tempting when you have the energy level that you seem to have. I have really enjoyed your last few quilting posts-how exuberant!
    Marnie Haines

  29. I know you will do well with your recovery. My husband has this along with a defibrillator, never has had a problem since.
    Getting over the shock of this unexpected bump in the road will take a little while.
    I know we all miss you.
    Lynda D

  30. Wanda,

    Glad to hear your on the mend. Prayers for a speedy recovery.

  31. My goodness Wanda, it sounds like this came out of nowhere (but it seldom does). So glad to hear that you are doing well and I hope that continues. Don't fret about blog updates - I think that we can cut you a little slack right now :). Be well.

  32. Wanda, so happy to hear you are on the mend. Prayers of healing and good health coming your way

  33. I am so relieved to hear from you! I was afraid it was your eyes. So, even the energizer bunny has to get new batteries once in a while! Cooperate with your medical team so you can be back home at your machine soon. You are the first place I read every morning. I can't express how much you have helped me and influenced me in my work. I want to draw on everything you have shown about color and fabric. It has to be hard for you to be in a hospital bed (without a quilt, too!)

  34. Best wishes! Scary to be blindsided like that.......glad you got what you needed before it was more serious than this......

  35. Glad to hear they repaired you. You will be back soon doing all the things you do that make me tired just reading them. So good to hear you are on the upswing.
    The Golden years are all about getting tuned up.
    Get better soon. we all miss you.

  36. Sending LOTS of well wishes and virtual hugs. Like you, two of the women in my Wednesday quilt group have had pacemakers in the past few months and both of them were totally blindsided by the situation. They're doing very well and I'm hoping the very same for you. Take care my friend.

  37. My mom got a pacemaker a couple of years ago, and has felt SO Much better since. Hope you do also.

  38. Wanda, so glad to hear they found a fix for you. My mom kind of got blindsided a few months ago. It's so scary to feel fine one minute and be in the hospital the next. Get well soon, the quilting community misses you.

  39. So sorry. You are an inspiration daily to me. Take care of yourself and stop and smell the flowers and not just take pictures. Be back with us when you can.

  40. Wow feel better soon. I know what that is like to be blind sided. You are an inspiration.

  41. Rest up and get some fresh air and sunshine! My advice to all.

  42. I am keeping you in my thoughts and prayers....sending wishes for a speedy recovery....
    I hope this finds you having a good day, feeling better soon!!
    Sandra B

  43. I'm thinking you are going to have to wear lead weights to slow you down after you recover from this pacemaker install. You are so energetic normally this pacemaker will make you even more speedy. We all were very concerned but I decided to give you some breathing room. So very glad you are OK now and we want you to recover before posting more. We do enjoy flashbacks into your quilting career.

  44. Best wishes for a full recovery!

  45. Sending virtual hugs. Take care of yourself!

  46. I agree ! Rest, fresh air and sunshine !! Take care, Wanda !!

  47. I'm keeping you in my prayers, Wanda. Hope you are feeling lots better now and will soon be back to your peppy self.

  48. Well shoot, Wanda! You are one of the toughest ladies I know, so take care and bounce back soon.

  49. Technology is incredible. Sending positive energy your way. Your are also on my grateful list. On 8/22 my hubby had a pacemaker put in. Wishing you a full recovery.

  50. Glad they were able to fix you up. I hope you have a speedy and complete recovery!

    Andrea in St. Louis

  51. So glad to read your post this morning. I also enjoyed reading the comments others have written. You are much loved, and people feel a genuine concern for you. Take good care of yourself!

  52. I don't comment often, but wishing you a speedy recovery and good health for many years to come!

  53. I've prayed faithfully for you and your family. There are very few things in my life I can count on, and one is you. You are here every morning for me. I know I can count on you. Every single day you are here posting and sharing with us. Bless you. I was so glad to see this and see that you are on the mend. Please take care of yourself.

    Fondly, Rondi

  54. Wishing you speedy and complete healing ASAP!
    I enjoy checking your blog every morning, your quilts and progress are always inspiring. Best Wishes, Diane

  55. Wanda, praying for a complete healing and quick return home. I hope you find peace and pure enjoyment looking back on your quilt completions over the past several years. You have made such beautiful things, I hope you reap the pleasure that we all so enjoy looking back on your creations and gain inspiration for future works.

  56. Oh my goodness! Sending all good wishes for a speedy recovery! Give yourself time to heal, and then we'll all look forward to seeing what you've been up to again!

  57. OMG!! I'm just SEW glad that you were able to get the help you needed. Take it easy and know that we are wishing you well.

  58. Oh Wanda.
    I'm so sorry to hear that you had to go through this procedure and that you were blindsided by it. I hope you heal quickly and that once healed, you feel 100% better and that you stay that way!
    I so enjoy waking up to your blog each and every morning even though I rarely make comments.
    Healing thoughts flying across the country for you!

  59. Oh, Wanda, do get well quickly! I know how awful surprise health issues can be ... I hope your quilt making gives you support as you get used to new challenges!


  60. So glad you are doing well now! I enjoy listening to you every morning with my coffee!

  61. So glad you're on the road to recovery! Hope you're feeling lots better soon. And get some help on all that yard work so you can focus on quilting!

  62. Wanda, I'm so glad that you are feeling better! I think we all knew that something major had to have happened to keep you from posting for a couple of days - and not knowing what "it" was had us all worried. Take care of yourself and take your time - we'll be here when you're ready to post again. Sending big - and GENTLE - hugs your way - ;))

  63. Sending thoughts and prayers for a swift recovery!

  64. Please take good care of yourself. I'm glad you were able to get the medical help you needed. I look forward to your posts. They bring brightness to my day. Get the rest you need.

  65. So happy that they caught it and that the procedure went well. This month you can have finishes.

  66. Oh Wanda, no wonder you were away for some days. I hope the magic of a pacemaker works well, and you are not running but walking more easily. How fast can life change. Take care, and sending a whole heap of love and wishes for a return to good health.

  67. Do take care Wanda. Hope you feel 100% very soon.

  68. Take care of YOU Wanda. positive thoughts coming your way.

  69. Best Wishes! I was anxious for you! I am so glad you are getting the treatment you need. Even though I don't know you personally, sending love your way. -Lisa

  70. Wow, that is shocking news! I'm glad you are through the worst of the ordeal and on your way to full recovery.

  71. Oh my goodness, Wanda! I was so surprised to hear about your surgery. Hope the pacemaker helps you feel better than ever! You are in our thoughts and prayers. Diane

  72. Speedy healing! You will be missed!

  73. Holy cow, Wanda. Hope you recover quickly and can get back to doing what you love.

  74. I am so sorry to hear this. I will keep you in my prayers.

  75. Yikes, glad they figured out what was wrong, and did what was necessary. Hope you're feeling back up to full speed soon!

  76. Join the pacemaker club Wanda - I wondered when we in contact whether that would be the outcome. Keep well, you will feel a lot better without the slow heart rate.

  77. I hope you have a speedy recovery and are soon feeling much, much better!

  78. Thank goodness for modern medicine, eh? Please take it slow and easy for as long as you need to and then a tiny bit more......maybe just let the colors dance in your mind's eye for a while!


  79. Wishing you a speedy recovery!

  80. I hope you are back in the "pink" soon!!

  81. Lots of well wishes. Take care.

  82. I'm glad you're ok. I hope you have a speedy recovery and are full of energy soon! Take care,

  83. Wow, sorry to hear about the troubles, but so happy that you've been taken care of! Best wishes and cyber ((hugs)) to you!

  84. I've been so worried about you!!! I'm so glad to see you back and hope you're feeling much better. Thanks so much for the update!


  85. Hi Wanda. My name is Carla. I'm at the end of a wonderful day. My husband and I live in southern Maine and spent half the day watching a Sand Castle competition at the beach. Then I made another Swoon block after we got home. It's very chilly this evening so curled up with a quilt and reading quilt posts just before going to bed. But the beautiful part of my day was reading each post from you're "extended" family. They are so he heartfelt and filled with love and hugs for you. Blogs are new to me as I finally retired late last year from my job as a registered nurse in a rehabilitatiin unit at the age of 73. Between working 3-4 days a week, my 2 horses, my agility dog, and quilting I didn't even know about blogs. But what I do know is this, every one of my patients would have benefited from reading these posts. I actually had tears at the corner of my eyes reading them. It's amazing to be surrounded not only with you're family, but real friends you have connected with over time through your blog. So if you don't mind, I'm going to add my prayers, best wishes, and a hug for you. And I'm chuckling as I'm thinking of you planning a quilt in you're head right now. My dear grandmother who taught me to quilt would have added a wink at this point.

  86. Praying for you Wanda, you have been such an inspiration to me. My goal is to being quilting and gardening and hosting and volunteering just like you after I retire. Take care of yourself : )

  87. Oh wow Wanda! What a shock to hear this. Sounds like you are in good hands with the doctors. I hope you are recuperating well. Take your time and take care of yourself. Quilting and blogging will wait.

  88. Love and prayers for a solid recovery. Thank you for letting us know what happened. You are on our hearts!

  89. 93 comments ~ now 94... You sure know how to get our attention (*._.*) . Only you would take the time and ENERGY to post two days after surgery. I only got through a 1/4 of the comments tonight.... And smiled with agreeing with the lady who commented, "even the energizer bunny needs new batteries". That's you. . . always amazing everyone with your creativity, and exuberance for fabric and your gardens. Please take care of yourself and not to worry about posting for us.

    WE send our thoughts and prayers for your recovery.

    JJM & JAM

  90. After reading ,for a long time, your blog, I often asked myself: how did she does that all.
    Admiring you, you are a good quilter, a good gardener and now: be a good patient.
    Recover fast and well. Trudy, Netherlands

  91. what a frightening experience but now you can feel safe knowing if needed the pacemaker will sort everything out, my brother had one years ago and has never had any trouble since though when he has checkups they can see it has been activated so without it he would not be here but now he is playing golf everyday and walks for miles. Wishing you a speedy recovery

  92. Get Well Soon Wanda. Hopefully you will be up and about very soon, with your new pacemaker keeping your heart nice and steady. What a shock for you - but I'm so pleased it has been resolved quickly. Hugs and best wishes from New Zealand.

  93. I love reading your posts and am so sorry you have been sidelined by health issues. Your quilting will wait... just take care of yourself. I'm sure you will feel much better before long. Listen to your body though and pace yourself. Sending good thoughts.

  94. Glad to hear you are being sorted. Now you are in a better position to be monitored regularly, whereas many of us may never know what little time bomb is lurking.

    My husband had a heart attack in February at 53 - he has a stent and a mountain of pills to take! But he's young, he's quite fit - we walk a lot, we eat healthy and grow our own fruit and veg - and he isn't fat like me either (I am cutting down portions - weight loss is gradual), so it's a shock.

    I wish you much better health now and I've no doubt you'll be back home mowing that lawn again very soon. But do it gently at first!!!!
    Kindest regards

  95. So happy to hear from you, Wanda. And I'm glad to hear the specifics. I have a couple of friends with pacemakers. The technology sounds pretty scarey but it's been around for a long time--they work and have the kinks ironed out. Hoping your up and around pretty soon--and good to see a photo from you, even if it is from a hospital room!

  96. I wondered what you were up to but never this - what a shocker! I've just finished reading all the comments and so pleased you have so many wonderful followers who care so much about you. Wishing you a speedy recovery and looking forward to reading your daily posts again :)

  97. So thankful that you are okay! Prayed for you when you said you wouldn't be posting. I hope you are feeling as good as new soon. You are loved.

  98. Talk about "did NOT see that coming"! So glad to hear you are getting the care you need and are already on the mend. Rest, relax and do not worry about providing posts for us -- the wealth of your beautiful body of work that's already posted here can sustain us while you focus on recouping!

  99. I hope you are on the mend quickly. You are my daily inspiration. I know you won't let this get you down. You are in my thoughts.

  100. Praying for a quick recovery! Step by step! Hugs, sue

  101. Best wishes to you for a speedy recovery. Your blog is the first thing I read every day and I am in absolute awe of your prolific quilting/sewing/knitting/gardening! Take care and get the rest you need-

  102. Oh Wanda...what a surprise this is....I have always marvelled at your energy and the amount of things that you get accomplished every day. It has always pleased me to read your blog just to see that someone is busy getting things done in a constant manner (because it surely is not me!) I have such admiration for you. You must get better and keep up your good work. You are the inspiration that so many of us need! I am praying for the healing of your body and your return to your normal affairs of creating beautiful quilts. We need you! You bring beauty into our lives.

  103. I read your blog every day. Praying for a full and speedy recovery, Wanda! Enjoy a little rest time while you recover.

  104. Adding my hopes for a quick recovery. Follow the doc's orders and don't get too antsy to tackle all the projects you've dreamed up during your respite. Nothing keeps you down for long, so I know it won't be long until your back.

  105. KeepIng a good thought for you as you recover and, hopefully, find a renewed energy, all in good time. Thanks for all your sharing.

  106. Wanda, Wanda, I think of you as the Eveready rabbit of the quilting world! It's hard to believe you had to get a "new battery", but I'm sure with the rest and recovery time, you'll be back to your same active self very soon! My prayers are with you for a smooth and speedy recovery. Take care of yourself and let others do for you now. I will miss reading your daily blogs with my morning coffee, but I will take that time to send you another prayer. Hugs to you....

  107. OMGosh, WANDA....SENDING wishes for sunnier days ahead for you! I so enjoy your e-mails as you share your beautiful quilting and your gardens...'specially your hostas, as I used to live in MN and now am in way south TX where it is way too hot for them. Sending thoughts and prayers for your speedy recovery. Jan B.

  108. Wanda, Keeping you in our prayers and wishing you good health! Be well!!!

  109. Wanda! You are always surprising me, but this is too much! I'm glad you became aware of the problem and got it taken care of. Wow! You'll be in my thoughts for a speedy recovery. Take care, Terri

  110. I'm so sorry to hear about your health problems. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this difficult time. And I'm wishing you a speedy recovery! Hugs...

  111. Wanda, Glad you made it through. Pacemakers are wonderful things when needed. My daughter is recovering from her fifth open heart surgery (congenital heart defect) and doing amazingly well considering 12 hours of surgery. Take good care of yourself (and hire someone to cut your grass).

  112. Nancy A: rangerer@sbcglobal.netSeptember 3, 2017 at 9:58 PM

    I will be praying for you.

  113. Oh my! I've been on my annual trip to Denmark, and it was during my trip back and adjustment period that you went dark, so I missed it! So glad to know, however, that you're well. I gather it's not that rare for the need for a pacemaker to occur rather suddenly. Fortunately, it's easily implanted, and once you have it, you quickly recover and feel so much better!
    I so much enjoyed your look-back posts, and, of course, will enjoy whatever you decide to post when you're up to returning. But do take your time resting up! We'll be here whenever you feel up to it, and we can wait as long as you need to take! No rush!

  114. Best wishes for a speedy recovery. Rest awhile and take care of yourself!

  115. oh, my gosh!!! i hope by now you're feeling much better and will be back to normal soon! best wishes for a speedy recovery!

  116. So sorry to hear this, wishing you a quick and complete recovery.

  117. I'm sorry to hear that you haven't been well. Please take care of yourself, dear.

  118. WANDA!!! I am so sorry you've been having health problems. I am so grateful there is a treatment for you. I hope you are back at your sewing machine really soon.

  119. HI Wanda, I was out of town and am just now reading your posts. I am sorry to hear that you have had health problems. My husband collapsed as he walked into work one morning about 10 years ago and it turned out he had gone into 3rd degree heart block (an electrical problem). He had a pacemaker put in. He recently had it replaced about a year ago. He had to call in with a device to have the fist pacemaker monitored over the phone regularly; now with the 2nd pacemaker he has a device in the bedroom which constantly monitors it and is much more convenient. After some initial tweaking on the first one, he has done very well and has not had any more problems. I wish you well and pray that you will recover and feel better soon!!

  120. Catching up on past blogposts...128 loved are you...xox


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