
Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Big day............

Today was the big day to take the bandage off my pacemaker surgery site.  I was nervous.  My daughter-in-law came over to do it for me.  The good news: it looks OK, no infection or any of the other gross things they mentioned I might find.  My son mowed my grass, DIL watered all of the pots of flowers, more than 20 of them.  Then I finally was able to shower and wash my hair......after 5 days I needed that.
I went out to check on the Dahlias and the yellow one is finally blooming and has one more bud.  I cut off the last of the burgundy color flowers too.  See how tiny the burgundy one is.  It is more like teacup size than dinner plate as the package said it was.

Today the big Sandwich Fair (DeKalb County, IL) opens and will run through Sunday, the largest and cleanest county fair in IL.  It is usually really hot for the fair, almost unbearable in the center of the buildings on the grounds and this year it is in the high 60s and low 70s for the first time in many years.

Today also the carpet gets laid and I'm looking forward to that.  I had my DIL bring up from the basement 2 boxes of 1.5" batik strips that I cut many years ago and I will play with them while they guys lay the carpet. 

Thanks everyone for all of your comments and emails.  I'm not up to answering them yet, but I really, really appreciate them.


  1. Wanda, Getting back into your pace will take some time. Don't over do. It isn't the end of the world to slow down some. I have had to. Take each day as it comes. As long as we see you posting we know you are improving answering every note isn't necessary. Keep improving so we have more eye candy to look at. Wishing you the best. Chris

  2. Great news! Thanks for posting. Enjoy the day!

  3. Wonderful progress! I'm sure being able to shower felt fabulous. Sometimes it's the simplest things that make such a big difference. And you can enjoy playing with fabric while you're getting new carpet. Enjoy!!

  4. That is good news your incision is healing well. I know how good that shower had to feel. When I had my abdomen surgery in 2011 it was a while before I hit the showers. Not realizing how I must have smelled, my SIL (I was staying there for a few days while I recovered) was leaving for work and told me I was to take a shower today and handed me a towel. I was still weak, but I took my time. I still didn't wash my hair, but at least I must have smelled better! LOL!!!!

    It is so nice everyone is pitching in and helping you out. It is amazing all the little things that add up that need to be done. I hope the carpet installation goes well. Get some rest!

  5. Great news. Thanks for keeping us informed. I feel like I know you since following your blog. I wish you the best.

  6. I'm so glad to hear you're making great progress, and family was there to help you out with the chores. Beautiful blooms.

  7. I know what it's like when you can't wash your hair and your head feels itchy all the time! It's good to hear your skin is not infected and you seem to be healing well. Your Dahlias look lovely and something to cheer you up when you go into the kitchen. Wishing you well, day by day :)

  8. Clean hair and a divine, how wonderful to bask in being wet and clean. That is a big day, and so glad to hear the bandages are off and all is healing well. Thanks to son and DIL for helping care for you. Enjoy the play time.

  9. sounds like the healing process takes a little time - I am so glad you have family near by to help you out while you recover - sit back and play with the batiks and enjoy the new carpet! Well look forward to hearing from you when you are able.

  10. I have been reading your blog for a few months now because your video from your quilt show inspired me to get back to quilting. Thank you . My heart was heavy when I read that you were in the hospital and I am happy that you are home and settled. Speedy recovery and take care. It sounds like you have a wonderful family to help you out.
    God Bless

  11. Glad to hear that you are feeling better and on the mend. Amazing how life can change in the blink of an eye. I'm sure the shower felt like heaven. Sending good thoughts for your continued recovery.

  12. I am so happy to hear that the incision was "clean" when the bandage came off. That is a good sign.

    I love the photo of the Dahlia with your KitchenAid in the background. It looks like an "older" model machine - but I hear they last forever.

  13. Fantastic. Another milestone passed. Glad things seem to be going well so far.

  14. Isn't is wonderful what water, soap and shampoo can do for one's state of mind? I know you usually like to walk the fairgrounds with friends and peek in the buildings with all the crafts and sewing, etc., and know you will miss doing that, but there's always next year. Are you replacing your carpet with the same color, which looks just like mine, or changing it up?
    Stay well and be careful!

  15. Hi Wanda, Sounds like a little progress every day, which is awesome! I know you are grateful to have family close by to help out too. Seeing your post every day makes us all so happy! Have fun playing with your batik strips, I know you'll make something exuberant!

  16. It is amazing how different the flower looks in each photo with the light. I never get tired of looking a flowers. Just have fun playing with the batik strips, they must be beautiful.

  17. Hooray for showers and clean hair! Hooray for your clean incision site! Hooray for batik strips and new carpet! Hooray for you, Wanda! Good to know that it's all going well! Hugs and good wishes-- Mary G in Cal with artichokes, not dahlias.

  18. Wanda, take care of yourself ! We aren't going anywhere, we will wait for you to recover. And when you do, don't overdo. We all love you.

  19. I'm so glad you're feeling better! I know that clean hair and a shower goes a LONG way to help make you feel like yourself. Take it easy! I'll look forward to your quilting posts when you're feeling better. They always make my day brighter.

  20. Good news indeed. Keep it up. Happy for you.

  21. Wanna if you are playing with fabric you must be feeling better. That is so nice to hear. Keep getting better every day!

  22. I am so happy that you are doing well!! Your blog is the only one that I receive daily and I so look forward to it! I have always been amazed at your energy level ( I just turned 72 on Sept 4 and my energy is nothing compared to yours)!
    ... I need a nap most days. You truly are an amazing and beautiful lady and I thank you so much for your efforts with Exuberant Color! Thank the lord too that you are doing great!!

  23. Yea, for feeling better! One step at a time...

  24. Continued prayers for complete healing for you Wanda! Can't wait to see the new carpet!

  25. Sounds like your recovery is coming along nicely, Wanda.... So glad you have family nearby to help you. Have fun playing with your fabric while the carpet is being installed. Continuing to send positive thoughts your way, and keeping you in my thoughts and prayers...
    Sandra B

  26. So happy to hear you are doing well. Take your time, let people help you (HARD TO DO!!!), and you'll do great.

  27. Ah the joy of taking a shower. Glad you are continuing to recover nicely. Hope the carpet laying goes well and is prettier than you imagined.

  28. Enjoy that shower, I know that feeling so well.And accept all the help that is offered. Lovely flowers to boost your day, new carpet, that is a treat in itself.

  29. Good news on the incision healing process! Now comes the challenge of not over doing, I suspect that will be a test of will.

    Enjoy the new carpet!


  30. Sending you very best wishes and hugs from New Zealand. You have been through such a lot so please don't overdo things. Take it slowly and let your body heal. As others have commented, that first shower and freshly washed hair - such bliss, and a real pick-me-up.

  31. Happy to read you have no problems with the site Wanda. They (pacemakers) sometimes need a bit of tweaking with settings now and again, I have had mine since 2010 due to a heart rate of 35bpm which was due to heart block. Still take things easy and give yourself time, you'll be back to your quilting pretty quickly. Stay well and enjoy your new carpet!

  32. Wanda,
    So glad to hear your are feeling stronger.
    A few years ago I posted to my blog what an influence you were to me many years ago.
    You continue to be a role model in many, many ways.

  33. Good to hear your incisions showed no sign of infection and it looked good. And that your son and wife are their for you, to keep you with your chores.

    It's 5:30 here and I am assuming your carpet has been installed by now or soon will be, by the time you receive this. It's exciting to get new carpet after all those years. I have a feeling you will take a photo for us. I am anxious to see the color you have selected to go with your pretty purple (or lavender) walls

    Your fresh picked flowers always look so pretty.


  34. Wanda, I was so shocked to see this today. I had to go back to see what had happened. I am so sorry I did not know. I have not been following any blogs recently, but I would surely have gotten in touch with you had I known. Please forgive me, and know that I am now praying for your speedy and complete recovery. Lots of love to you, dear friend, Elaine

  35. That is such great news. I'll bet that shower felt heavenly too. Prayers for you continue from here.

  36. Sew pleased alls good. Nothing nicer than a lovely shower and washing your hair to make you fell better...
    Beautiful Daliahs .....
    Will ne nice to have your new carpet down...
    Take care.

  37. Although surprised to hear about your pacemaker, I'm so glad everything went well. My husband got one a couple years ago, and I call him my bionic man because his pacemaker runs his heart at a much higher level than his ever did naturally. He's fine, exercises and does all the usual things. So I wish you the same after a short recovery.
    Cheers to you! Linda

  38. I'm sorry to hear about your health issues. I hope you are feeling well. I really appreciate all your posts and your incredible talents. I love looking at all the beautiful things you create.


  40. Your news gets better each time!

    I remember nervously looking at my wounds from a keyhole gallbladder op. They were fine - I had more issues with the allergic reaction to the adhesive on the dressings! I had big red raw squares with normal colour in between - actually very patchwork effect! LOL!

    Beautiful flowers. Carry on healing and I know the feeling about being clean afterwards - lifts the spirits big time.


  41. Best wishes and many blessing to you in your recovery! You are one strong and talented lady!

  42. So glad to hear you are doing so well. Continue to take care and take your time as you heal.

  43. What excellent news! Take care and don't overdo things. Glad you have people around you who can help out. Smell the flowers and play with your fabric, sounds like the perfect things to do to heal. Take care.

  44. Sending you hugs and warm wishes a for an excellent recovery!!!

  45. Awe, that's wonderful that your recovery is on track and no "bumps in the road". Let's keep it that way. Thanks for updating us on everything and the dahlias are amazing!

  46. Hooray for being able to shower and wash your hair - that is THE WORST part about being sick or in the hospital. Happy to see flowers on the blog and skinny strips. LIKE the new carpet, too.

  47. We will patiently wait for more of your lovely blog posts, but not until you are fully recovered. Glad to hear all is well.


  48. wow..this is a surprise...go happy it is well and healthy..You go stopping our Wanda!!


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