
Monday, September 4, 2017

A look back 2016

This is one of my favorite colorwash wallhangings from 2016.  I like all of the ones I make but always have a few favorites.
This is my favorite large couch quilt from last year.  I quilted it on my regular sewing machine.  Here is the story on this one plus a look at the back.

This little quilt was a favorite from the time I started working on it.  I love the way the stars intermingle with each other.  It's story is on this post.


  1. Oh, Wanda. I've been out of the loop for a few days. Didn't know you were having problems. Hope you feel better soon. Sending cyber hugs and positive vibes your way. Let someone else do the lawn cutting from now on. We need your quilt inspirations. Love your star quilt!

  2. Three more beautiful and inspiring quilts -you are my hero!

  3. I've always loved the colours and pattern in your '16 squares/HST's) quilt; also knowing it's something I could have a go at and not beyond my capabilities. Hope you are feeling a bit/lot better today - take care :)

  4. All three are infused with color and are exciting. Just beautiful and inspiring.

  5. all the quilts are so pretty - hope you are now out of the hospital and after a few days or week of rest you will be back to your normal routine

  6. Just checking in to make sure you are feeling better and will soon be back to your normal Energizer Bunny status. Sending lots of hugs an prayers.

  7. Good morning Wanda,
    Hope each morning you feel stronger.

  8. Wanda, so sorry to hear about your health issues. I'll admit that I've just been amazed that you do cut your grass, tend your yard, make quilts constantly, entertain other quilters, etc, plus spend great time with your own family!! You are an amazing lady and as I've said before, truly inspire me! I will be praying for you and your health. Thank you for keeping us updated and still even having posts from the past. I look forward to more inspiration and good health for you!

  9. You are incredible. Still sharing while you heal. These quilts are beauties. Thank you for sharing. Hugs to you.

  10. Well, we all love your favorites too. Keeping you in our prayers as you recover. Take care of yourself and cover up with your favorite quilt, that will bring comfort just looking at it.

  11. Greetings from Oregon and best wishes for a fast recovery! How kind of you to think of your readers even as you get well. Hope you know how you are loved and appreciated. Thank you!

  12. I had not checked in on your blog for a few days and was shocked to hear your news. I am thankful we have such modern techniques to "fix people up". I'm hoping your recovery goes smoothly and you are soon able to be quilting again. In the meantime, catch up on reading and dreaming of the next quilt! You are such a talented lady and an inspiration to so many of us.

  13. Thinking of you Wanda, and hoping you're feeling better soon.

  14. Another set of breath taking art work. Your 'Look Back Series' are just what we need to see while you are resting. Your posts are good for testing my memory too, I just smile when I see your quilts that I REMEMBERED. (*._.*) I hope you are resting and not over doing.


  15. Just stopping by with more positive thoughts, prayers and good wishes for your continued path to full recovery....
    I am enjoying your "remembering" posts so much....on today's post the one of your stars with 16 patches is one of my favorites. Isn't it amazing how such simple shapes can yields such beautiful quilts!
    Sandra B

  16. Just checking your blog and very glad to see some of your favorites from last year. Hope all is well and that you are increasing in strength every day.

  17. I just love the chance to see your quilts each day while you are recovering. Feel better soon.

  18. What beauties! I just do not remember you making the one with the 16 patch and star blocks! What a lovely combination! Hope you felt a little stronger today! Love and prayers to you!

  19. I don't comment often, Wanda, but I read your blog each day. I'm so sorry to hear of your health issues, but so glad to hear you are recovering. Take time to rest and heal. In the meantime, we'll just keep looking at your beautiful work!


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