Tuesday, September 5, 2017

A little outdoors............

Yesterday morning I went for a walk through the back garden with my camera.  This is on a Jack-in-the-Pulpit plant.

Here is one on another Jack plant.  I have them coming up all over in the shadiest part of the garden.

Here are 2 little Carnation flowers with some more buds on the plant.  It has been dry for so long so I hope they can take the dry weather and not die yet.  With our really cool nights ahead this week I think a lot of plants will go into their autumn mode.
I came around to the front yard and saw there were enough nice zinnia blooms to pick a bouquet.

Say goodbye to this 22 year old carpeting with the ridges at the center as you are headed to the dining room.  Sunday 3 strong men in the family and my strong daughter-in-law came and moved all of the smaller furniture.  The guest bedroom is filled to the brim and some of it is in my sewing room.
Say goodbye to the huge rust stain created when one of the bleeders in the hot water heat system broke and flooded this part of the living room.  Notice how pink the carpeting is at the left?  It is taupe colored carpeting that turned pink under lots of the pieces of furniture and had a green cast  in other areas.  I am so happy to see it go.  New carpeting comes tomorrow.  I ordered it the Saturday before my health declined and I got the Pacemaker. 

I am restricted on the movement of my left arm and how much I can lift so I haven't tried to do anything in the studio yet.  I'm used to picking up heavy piles of fabric and I can't do that right now. The bandage comes off tonight so I'll know how it looks. I will wait until after my one week check up before I do any cutting.    


Hannah said...

Take it easy Wanda, you'll be back at it soon!

Lesley Gilbert said...

So happy to see you are up and at it already:) I zoomed in on your photo's to see what those 'tomato's' were - are they berries? You have a big living area, especially compared to my 2 small rooms - it will look great with new carpeting. It's good you have family who can do those heavy lifting jobs - take care and welcome back home :)

Cathy44647 said...

Glad to hear you are on the mend. Be patient with yourself! Enjoy life! You will be back with a vengeance soon! Have a great day!

hungry caterpillar said...

Pace yourself. Between the pacemaker and carpeting; it speaks of a new start.

Anonymous said...

Good to see you taking pics of your garden once again. I'm sure you will have to be duct taped down to stop you from cutting fabric. Continued prayers for speedy recovery.

Linda Swanekamp said...

I had to laugh at the duct tape comment! If I lived closer, I would gladly cut all the fabric you wanted! When I zoomed on the zinnias, I was surprised that they looked like Kaffe fabric. So glad you are back in the saddle.

DBrez said...

Glad to see that you're back home. Good luck with the new carpet!'

Debbie said...

Being home, taking an outside walk.....it is all progress! I know how hard it is to sit still ....so hang in there. Hugs!!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

good to take it easy for awhile as doctor orders. And so nice to be getting new carpet! glad you have people there to help with moving furniture and things so you can sit back and relax although if you are like me you are feeling like you want to do every thing already.

LynneP said...

I, too, had to laugh at the duct tape comment. Please take it easy and allow your body to fully heal before you take off at full speed. Continued best wishes for a quick and easy recovery!

Marnie Haines said...

You have an incredible sense of timing, Wanda. How wonderful to have this major carpet project going on with the help of others while you need to lay low. I've so enjoyed the photos of your earlier quilting and also of your garden. Here, up north it has continued to rain more than usual. Your blooms seem to be doing well in spite of lack of rain.
With best wishes for a full recovery, Marnie Haines

JustGail said...

I'm glad you're cleared for garden walks. The time to be OK'd for rooting through the fabrics and cutting will pass quickly I hope. If it becomes too intolerable, maybe one of your quilting buddies can stop in and do the heavy lifting for a couple of hours?

The carpet will look great when it's in. Sun and water can cause some "interesting" changes in fabrics, don't they?

Diana from SC said...

Happy to see you home. Know you will enjoy the new carpet. Walking in the garden is great for the soul and mind. Take care.

Deb said...

So happy to hear your out & about a bit. Your zinnias are beautiful! Can wait to see your new flooring. I think you are a remarkable woman. Keep getting better!

Gene Black said...

I know how difficult it is to avoid lifting when your norm is living alone and doing everything.
Just take it easy and take care of yourself.

Hedy said...

Go downstairs and pet some fabrics, that might help with fabric/quilting withdrawal. Those berry things look odd to me, I've never seen them before. Mums are being sold everywhere so I guess this is autumn?

Quiltdivajulie said...

I am so happy for you that you can get outside and enjoy your garden! And also happy that the old carpet is leaving the building. You will love having fresh clean new carpet to walk on and look at. The ladies in my sewing group mentioned the left arm restrictions, too. All in good time! Welcome home my friend.

patty a. said...

Had to get the carpet ordered before you had a pacemaker put in - you are too much! I hope you take it easy for as long as the doctor says. It is so great that family came and moved the furniture. I am sure they will be more than happy to come and move it back once the new carpet is installed. Get your rest and soon you will be back in action!

deb oldenburg said...

so glad you are on the mend. enjoy your web site so much as it encourages me to get to work!!prayers for a quick recovery and a healthful future

Anonymous said...

So glad to see you are able to get out in your garden, Wanda....I am sure that the fresh air and viewing of your beautiful plantings has some healing quality....I am continuing to send healing thoughts your way, and wishes for a speedy recovery...
Sandra B

P.S. --- I am having some difficulty in getting my comment through this morning...My fear is that they will all post...so if you see multiple comments from me that is why...

melinda hirsch said...

I'm so happy to see you're home!! Aren't plants just amazing. And new carpeting is my idea of heaven! Enjoy....

Christine said...

Wow, Wanda. I just tuned in after a few days and learned about what's going on with you. I am so glad you're up and about after your harrowing experience. You are an inspiration to me and many others, not just for your beautiful quilts but for your spirit of determination, generosity, and engagement with the world.

GO STARS! said...

You always amaze me with the amount of projects and yardwork you do. I'm sure it's hard to slow down. May you have a speedy recovery and I'm sure you'll love the new carpet

Unknown said...

You are an inspiration, Wanda. Ironic, indeed, that someone with the biggest heart would require such assistance. I hope you heal, rest, and relax. May you have many, many more years to enjoy your family, quilting, and flowers. Be well, dear lady.

Needled Mom said...

So glad to read that you are doing so well. You will love having the new carpeting.

The garden is starting to take on the autumn colors.

Shelina said...

Ah I see. You are faking an illness so you don't have to move furniture for the carpeting. Just kidding. It's just a silver lining. A new carpet will be great. Your flowers are beautiful. I wish you continued mending and healing.

Kevin the Quilter said...

Dear Wanda.......my most sincere apologies for just now catching up on your blog! What an eventful last week or so for you? My prayers for your continued recuperation. I hope you feel better than you ever have before with each passing day. I have enjoyed seeing your personal favorites.....it's always interesting to hear an artist's perspective on their work. Congrats on the new carpeting! I hope to get some new flooring here at The Quilt Cave very soon myself! I am glad your family helps you out when you need it!

Stoney said...

I like the idea of calling this a new beginning or a new chapter. I had three surgeries last year, one being a complete rebuild of my right shoulder. It was awful not being able to sew for 6 weeks so I understand those feelings pretty well. Sending you positive thoughts for healing!

Sylvia Anderson said...

Glad to see a little bit of the Energizer Bunny popping in for a little visit. I know you will be as good as new when the restrictions are lifted. My DH goes every 3 months to have his pacemaker checked and they tell him how much time is left on it before it needs to be replaced. It's mind boggling what tasks technology can perform these days. Hugs and prayers

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh. I thought you took a trip. Take care and try not to so much. I know that will be hard for you.

Denise in Sacramento

JJM said...

I have never seen "Jack in the Pulpit" with berries before. How interesting to me. Carnations and Zinnia's so pretty. I just checked 'Accuweather' and you are to get some rain on Wednesday... Carpet laying day and opening of your Fair. But when you need the rain you need the rain.... We are in a severe drought right now. 50 + days with out a drop of rain and temps have been in the 90's since July. Still smoke fills our valley, with air quality rated as hazardous. I do not go out at all.


Will be anxious to see photo of new carpeting

Sally Langston Warren said...

I have to admit that I liked the "green" cast of your carpet with your wall color! I noticed it in a couple of photos you posted of you holding a completed quilt. I thought your colors were so pretty and creative! Now we know it was a byproduct of the leaking water heater?! I know it will be so refreshing for you to get the new carpet! So glad you are home and enjoying your outdoors too. Don't look for any weeds.....just look for the pretty flowers and foliage! Watering with the hose can be relaxing as long as you can just leave the hose unwound!! Take care!

A Left-Handed Quilter said...

I'm glad to hear that you are back home and able to share photos of your beautiful garden. I, too, had to laugh at the duct tape comment - and the reference to the Energizer Bunny - they certainly apply. Your timing is incredible - now you will have new carpeting to go along with your new "normal". I must admit - if I had limited movement in my LEFT arm - I would have quite a bit of adjusting to do. Try to take it slow and easy - and rest as much as you can - ;))

mad elena said...

I've always admired you as a get-up-and-go person. How did you do it all? But your recent health issue scared me! Glad you're on the road to recovery and hope to see you back to quilting soon Wish you the best of health and life.
-Ellen aka mad-elena

Bonnie H said...

Just went thru the moving everything for new carpet thing !! The worst of all the rooms, by far, was my fabric room !! Shelves and cupboards full of fabric and stuff that all had to be moved !! But it's done and put back in an orderly manner....for now !! 'Til I mess it up again !! Glad to see you're doing good ! And the new carpet will be great !! Take care !!

Linda at Roscoe's Ma said...

I am glad you are feeling well enough to take a little walk outside. The photos are very pretty. Please take it slow and steady so you'll be back to your usual energizer bunny self soon.

Becki @ the beach said...

Happy to hear you are feeling up! I was worried for a minute but I should have known yout would bounce back! Thank you

Kerry said...

Glad to see you pottering around the garden. Baby steps. As for the carpet - we had ours finished just before my Canadian relatives arrived last week! We've lived here 25 years and in that time we have endured the same carpet from the previous owners, decorated, got paint on it, intended it to go sooner. But then we had some building work and the stairs were changed (and it was so much better for it) and then we had a patchwork of carpets to cover the gap! Apart from the stairs and landing which remained bare for years! The children grew up and spilt an assortment of things all over it, but finally it's gone and I was not sorry to see it go - although it must have been good quality - it didn't have any areas that were worn away! And about time - husband is in the carpet trade! A big joke with my lovely and fun neighbours!!!

Enjoy your new carpet and I hope you continue to improve health-wise.

MissPat said...

You can't keep a good woman down. If you are doing occupational and/or physical therapy, have the therapist incorporate quilting techniques into your workout. A friend's therapist used crocheting to help her in her recovery from a stroke following a heart attack. Take your time and don't rush the physical activity. You have tons of books you can pour over to generate new ideas.

Kristin said...

Good luck with the new carpet!