
Thursday, August 17, 2017

48 blocks........

I finally got busy yesterday and wound several bobbins and then sewed the 2 triangles into Hunter Star blocks.  There are 4 alike of each of them.  I also cut 8 more fabrics for more blocks.  Two people shared some Australian fabric scraps with me a couple years ago so some of them will be in the quilt.
The tall hostas are starting to bloom.  They are the lily type flowers that are so sweet smelling.  We finally got some rain yesterday so the plants are happy again.

When I bought the Dianthus plants I tried to get a really good variety.  The ones on the left are a totally different shape flower than all the rest.  It makes me wonder if they are really Dianthus.


  1. The blocks are looking great! This is going to be a gorgeous quilt! I still haven't had any rain. We might get some this afternoon, but it is hit and miss right now.

  2. your plants are all looking so well. We have had more than enough rain to last us awhile a little more than 4 inches on Tuesday morning and then 2 more early this morning! the garden has taken a beating from it.

  3. We have had rain off and on for a couple of days now - the plants and lawns are MUCH happier.

  4. I'm really enjoying all your photos of your various plants. I really love the smell from that particular hosts but I don't have any in my garden, guess I need to go to the nursery.

  5. The radio said this morning that it's raining at the rate of 1 - 1.5 inches per hour in the Dallas area. Our yard looks the best it's ever looked for August. Your blocks are striking. Such great contrast. I'm going to a sew-in tomorrow night and can't wait. I've got everything prepped and ready so I can talk, sew, talk, sew, talk, sew!

  6. No worries - the flowers are still dianthus. I had an old fashioned variety called Mrs Sinkins. It was white and raggy with a double calyx - as it was supposed to. The fragrance was terrific. Sadly my clay soil isn't good for dianthus and although I keep trying, they do eventually die.
    Lovely to see your plants though.


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