
Saturday, July 22, 2017

Starting to cut.........

Yesterday I decided I was going to cut the sashing strips for my batik stars quilt.  I started cutting the fabric at the top left and then decided I needed to figure out how many strips I needed.  Ooops!  I don't have enough of that fabric.  I found the one on the right that is similar in value and color tone so now I need to figure out how I'm going to handle having 2 fabrics for the sashing strips.  I was considering the beige batik across the bottom as the cornerstones.  It is a little warmer toned than it looks like here.  So....nothing got done on that quilt.
We had severe thunderstorm warnings for last night so I decided I should take some more garden photos in case there was damage.  My camera was in the cool basement and when I took it outside into the "sauna" the lens kept fogging over.  I wiped it off twice before I took this photo and it is still a little foggy.  This is one of my elephant ear plants.

One of the storms rolled through around 8 p.m. and we got 1.05" of rain.  The second storm came through around 9:45 and there was 1.3" when I emptied the gauge at 10:15. I'm afraid my tomatoes are going to have a hard time ripening with all of this rain.

 The garden is so pretty I had to take another photo of it.
The Dianthus that I planted in early June is in its second blooming.  I hope it will re-seed and fill in this area along with the Hosta and Columbines.


  1. We had a lot of rain in May and June my tomatoes were slow growing and slow to ripen - now all of a sudden it has gotten hot and I need to water the plants now and then. They are still slow to ripen and I have so many green right now I'm sure they will all decide to ripen at the same and I will need to preseve instead of using them as they get ready. Hope the storm didn't ruin your plants - I woke up early at 4:30 and couldn't fall back to sleep, got up and saw it had only gone down to 80 degrees - another hot day today for sure!

  2. We actually had 3 tornadoes in my area, which never gets any. And lots of rain again. Everything looks lush in your garden. The coneflowers and hydrangea in mine have never been so prolific. They must love all this water. I love your orange lilies.

  3. I like both teh fabrics you chose for the binding and I would just alternate the strips as you put them together. The garden is beautiful!

  4. When will our rains stop? I am getting sick of rain and humidity. With my bad breathing the humidity is keeping me inside. Your garden seems to be loving the heat and humidity and the rain. I love your garden. Thankfully with all the rain I am able to keep busy with quilting and embroidering.

  5. I know that next year your Shasta Daisy will add another color to your garden, which is so pretty now. No rain here, sure wish we would get some.

  6. Pretty garden! The animals around here see "all you can eat buffet". So very had to keep such a pretty garden.

  7. We've had countless severe storm watches and warnings this summer, but very few thunderstorms although we have had a lot of rain. But I know that lots of areas of Ontario, particularly around Ottawa, have had severe flooding because of the incredible amounts of rain they've had. This has been a very odd summer - much more rain than normal and really not very hot at all.
    I love seeing pictures of your garden - it looks so lush and inviting!

  8. Hope the garden survived the storms, the lilies look pretty tall and I guess they wouldn't have stood up well to heavy rain.

  9. what a blow not having another of the batik fabric but know you will work it out beautifully. Garden is looking so colourful mine is mostly green but with 3 hydrangea plants that are looking good. Lots of rain hate the thunder so glad it was you and not me that got it.

  10. I just read your comment about the rain and tomatoes, so forget my comment on the Sunday post haha. That 2nd photo of your garden is beautiful - one of the best I've seen you post - lovely composition :)

  11. Enough with the rain, I say! It clouded up this afternoon while I was shopping in Racine but fortunately that blew over. My tomatoes are very nice plants with a few yellow flowers. Sigh.

  12. You got a lot more rain than I did. Saturday rain was forecasted and thank goodness the rain did stop so my nephew's show went on without a hitch. It is very overcast here today, but my phone is not showing any rain.


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