
Thursday, July 27, 2017

Cutting and digging.............

It was still nice yesterday morning so I went out to dig up another spot in my garden.  Then I had errands to run and it was evening before I got to pressing and cutting for the Hunter Star.  I have 4 combinations cut but will probably do more before I start sewing.  I'm not sure which fabrics I want paired together yet.
The center of this area between the Hostas is where I dug yesterday.

While I was digging out the Lily of the Valley I found a couple of the big rocks buried in there.  Each year the Lily of the Valley would start coming up on the grass side of the rocks so I kept moving them out farther.  I realize now I have increased the flower bed by about 16" in depth over the years.  Some of the rocks sunk down in the soil and I missed them when doing the moving.
Lily of the Valley, Violets and Creeping Charlie made a heaping load in the wheelbarrow.

My new perennials were half price.  In here I have a Delphinium, orange Coneflower with a fluffy center and Zebrina.  We got some rain last night so that should help them to settle in. Even though these are in the shade garden they get the morning sun from about 7 until 1 p.m.


  1. Well, it is suppose to be hot again today in Helena and I visited a friend's quilt studio yesterday to help her out with paperless piecing. I came home with a huge load of fabric for a quilt I am planning on making. Today, after sewing up a couple of blocks I have a deadline on, I will dip into the fabrics to see where I stand!

  2. Too hot and humid here to work outside for me - I am a wimp! The fabrics are so pretty!

  3. Love your garden pictures. I dug out some ancient blocks from a Strips that Sizzle class I took with Margaret Miller back in 1992. I was looking through the book and saw your quilt in there. It is always fun to run across something like that. It is raining here this morning. It has been so dry here.

  4. It is good to see you carving into and taking back control of the garden beds and rocks. Those color fabrics look they will be pretty dynamic.

  5. I'm waiting to see how your blocks are going to look when you put them together, I really like your color combinations. We finally got rain and some lower temps but it's still very hot here.

  6. Plants here are half-price, too. Many are too far gone to do much but I've seen some worth bringing home.

  7. Your hostas look so lovely lush and green, ours get eaten by the slugs!


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