
Sunday, July 2, 2017

Busy work...........

I was going to do some cutting last night.  Then I saw the box with the triangle squares that were left over after making the Friendship Star quilt.  Since there were 4 squares alike of 51 combinations I started sewing them together in pinwheels.  They are a 6" finished block so that is not enough for a quilt.  I may try every other block a pinwheel with plain squares between.  

I have several areas that need major reorganization so I will be doing that too.

Meanwhile someone took me up on my offer of Pulmonaria plants so I dug them out while she was here.  Then later in the day I planted some Coreopsis where 2 of the holes were and then continued on my cleanup of weeds.  I'm digging out a lot of the violet plants too because there must be 100 of them in that back garden.  After they bloom the leaves grow really large and they are about 12" tall.  I would rather have some blooming plants back there than all leaves for the rest of the summer.


  1. Yesterday I pulled one violet plant out that must have been 14" across, it left a huge hole so I stuck something else in it. I'm not sure I have ever seen this violet bloom before so it was a fair trade. I'm making a pink and white charity quilt now with the same pattern you are going to use on your bright blocks, a vastly differ look however.

  2. Our guild has been making charity quilts using a 'beach ball' pattern - similar to a snowball block but with a band in the middle. We save the cut off corners (half square units) and then put those together to form pinwheels. Then someone makes a charity quilt using the pinwheel blocks and a plain fabric for every other block. I think two have been made this way (I made one) and they have turned out very nice.

  3. re: June monthly recap
    My gosh Wanda you accomplished more in June... than I could in a year or two. Your African piece, table toppers, the star piece and last the checkerboard is especially grand, that border makes every block just pop... I hope you photograph your TAW in your living room, and show us.

    Enjoyed todays post using the leftovers from your Friendship Star.

    Just ordered and probably my last iron. Again I went for the Rowenta Pro Precision Steam. My last one was purchased in '02' and it really was a work horse. I hate to spend the $ but I am use to a good steamer.


  4. such a good way to use the left overs love a pinwheel


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