Saturday, June 3, 2017


I only did cutting, no sewing yesterday.  I planted 2 more pots a couple days ago and haven't decided on a spot for them yet.

I saved some begonias as houseplants over the winter so now it was time to pot them too.  I also put a couple petunias in the pot on the right.

I have blooms on the Early Girl tomato plant.  I hope the bees will do their job now.

I bought a couple little bush tomato plants that I have in pots.  One has a tiny tomato on it.

The black raspberries are just forming.

I did a real chop job on my red Weigela bush last fall.  It should have been trimmed right after it bloomed instead of in the fall.  I only have a few branches with flowers on them.  The bush is much better shaped this year and should be full of blooms next year.
I have one more variety of pink Columbine blooming.  I bought this plant at a gardening club sale about 8 years ago. 

I pulled lots more weeds yesterday and now I'm going to spend 2 days inside while it is hot and humid. 

I have lived in my house exactly 45 years now.  The people who built it lived here 18 years and it sat empty for one year before we bought it.  I have always loved stone houses so I think I was meant to live here.


Mia said...

What a lovely garden! So many flowers!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I have always thought stone houses were pretty neat - 47 years is a long time - we have been in ours for 36 years now - lots of memories when you live in one place isn't there

Jo Vandermey said...

Beautiful gardens as are your quilts. How come so many quilters are gardeners too! Part of the reason must be colour and watching things grow!

Alice said...

Lovely garden. Hubby has planted about 10 planters which are on the railings of our deck. We have lots of begonias bec they do so well here. How do you save them during the winter?

Hedy said...

Lovely plants that you planted. I am potting some today too. I have only lived in a house about 8 years, guess I'm a rolling stone.

Nancy J said...

Your pot combinations are like your quilt fabrics, beautiful together. I look at your garden and ask, how much land area do you have ? I am always amazed and in awe of what you accomplish, I struggle to do a small part of all that, maybe I need to organise my life and fabric( !!!!! ) a bit better.

Shelina said...

Your garden looks great! I planed all my seed packets in one of my beds - some are as old as 1994!. Will be a surprise to see what comes up.

Quiltdivajulie said...

You have al lovely house - and you have found ways to use it to your best advantage with awesome studio spaces. Your garden and flowers are so pretty!

Needled Mom said...

The flowers all look so nice. I can hardly wait for the summer tomatoes. We picked 4 quarts of boysenberries today. They are so good.