
Sunday, June 4, 2017

Fumbling along........

I'm having a hard time zeroing in on a project to work on....mostly because I have too many ideas. I decided to just pull out a box of blocks that haven't made it to a finish yet.  I had already cut that orange print as setting triangles so I knew I had been playing with these on point.
There were squares of the orange print already cut too so I put them in but it really isn't doing much for it.  That is probably why I never finished this project.

Then I moved all of the lighter blocks to the perimeter and dark ones to the center. It is a little better but still needs rearranging.  This project may go back into the box.

I have one little Tiger Lily volunteer coming up between the 2 Cranesbill plants.  I'll probably leave it until I see if it will bloom and then I'll pull it out.

The tall flowers in front of the hostas are native Heliotrope.  They are sweet smelling almost like lilacs.

Here is a close up of more of them in front of some other hostas.

The Husker Red Penstemon is just beginning to bloom.  I moved a bunch of volunteers from it to the back garden and they are blooming back there too.


  1. if you get any of those little black berry like things on your tiger lily you might want to pick them off if you can before they drop if you do not want them to grow there - bulbs form from them - I get them growing all over the place because of that - most areas I don't care!

  2. I always thought heliotrope was purple. Obviously there are other colors. I do love their fragrance!!!


  3. Regarding the quilt blocks: (1) Actually, I find the first layout to be the most appealing, perhaps because it maintains a darker "richer" tone? (2) I have my own collection of "boxes" holding Works-In-Progress. I take them out, muddle and mull, and usually put them back. My second most favored activity, after petting my fabric collection!!!!

  4. I have a collection of blocks I made the second year I was quilting. Now I have no clue what to do with them. Your blocks need the 'Wanda' touch to tweak them into perfection. Love your garden, so peaceful looking.

  5. Hi, Wanda, I read your blog every morning, but seldom have time to comment. I love your work, and your sense of color--I've learned a lot. I hope you don't mind, but the first thought that popped into my head when I saw those blocks was "I think it wants to be an orange quilt." Don't know what you can do with that, but there ya go! All the best!

  6. Hmmmm ~ the fun begins designing those checkerboard blocks to please you.. It was a fun box to open none the less.

    Your gardens have exploded with blossoms and foliage. Fun tour.


    p.s. Still helping my daughters family with their move...

  7. Sometimes I have so many ideas of what I want to make and a big pile of pictures that I think my head will explode. When Jolene laid out her pink squares quilt, it let my brain cool down for a while. But now, it is sewn, and my head is full again. I went to a big show in Rochester, NY yesterday (600 quilts) but I did not get any inspiration- I guess what is in my head is calling me more. Love the garden! I have got to finish planting mine! Got a new bobbin case at the show so maybe my tension woes will disappear.

  8. I love this project and I love your garden!!!

  9. Dear Wanda,
    I laughed out loud when I read "This project may go back into the box."
    It is always interesting to read your thoughts about your work process.

  10. I love the sixteen patches - the orange filler blocks not so much. I'd be tempted to make more sixteen patch blocks and leave out the filler ones. And I have too many ideas, too. Hence the lists and project boxes I keep for future efforts.

  11. Wanda, It can be a lot of fun playing with the layout of a quilt like this one. Hope you're having fun with it. Your garden and yard look beautiful. Wish computers had smell-o-vision. I'd love to smell your lovely flowers. --Andrea

  12. I like the sixteen patch blocks, perhaps with more of them to lay with you might decide not to put them back in the box! I began to keep a list f projects I should like to make in a notebook along with other snippets about fabrics I would like to add to my stash, like you I have too many ideas for projects swirling around and more and more fabric!

  13. arranging blocks into a quilt can be trying at times can`t it, hope you settle on a plan soon. Garden looking so full of lovely plants.

  14. I like the checkerboard blocks. Maybe it is just not their time to be made into a quilt. The plants looks wonderful. I noticed this morning as I was pulling out the driveway that my Shasta daisies are going to be blooming soon. They have had buds for more than a week, but I can see white now.

  15. The title of this blog post made me laugh - after I'd read the first paragraph of the post, that is. Because I know that feeling - so many ideas can make it almost impossible to settle on just one thing.
    But those checkerboard blocks are fabulous - that will be such a wonderful quilt when it's done with that riot of colour everywhere!


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