
Saturday, June 24, 2017

Friendship Star quilt top...........

I sewed the last three horizontal seams on this quilt top and then had the job of pressing it.  It measures 44.5" x 63".  Maybe I'll use one of my 60" wide fabrics for the backing, or I could use several of the long strips that were cutaways from other backings sewn side by side.  That will be a decision for another day. 

Here are some of the Begonias that I wintered over in my kitchen.  They seem to like it outside.  I spent about 2 hours trying to clear an area in the front garden and using a lot of weed killer.  I have a long way to go but at least it is started.  Then I squirted several dandelions and other weeds with weed killer.  I ended up by pulling weeds out in my new Hosta bed.  

About a third of my commenters are NO REPLY people.  Thanks for your comments (I really enjoy them) but if you don't get an answer back from me you know you are a NO REPLY.   

Some miscellany: Site Meter which counts how many visitors I have is shutting down permanently on July 1.  I will really miss it.  I remember when my 1,000,000th visitor came while I was in NC 5 years ago.  Now I am approaching my 3,000,000th visitor.  My 10th anniversary as a blogger is coming up on July 4th too.  Lots of numbers: I have lived in this house 45 years, my birthday will be a double number this fall, 77.  I have always been the stats person in my family, fascinated by numbers.  More than you wanted to know no doubt.


  1. How strange, do you know why the site meter is shutting down? I would have thought lots of Bloggers would use and appreciate it.

  2. Love the Friendship Star top. Congratulations on all the numbers to celebrate.

  3. This star quilt is a beauty. Thanks to your fabulous fabric selections! Weeds are everywhere this year and bigger than ever here.

  4. I did not know that Site Meter was shutting down. I don't use it that often, but I will miss having it to compare to Blogger's analytics.

  5. Hi from the Dells, where we are on a Family vacation till Sunday, but wanted to let you know how much I love your quilt. The weather is a little cooler than we would like, but enjoying all the fun the little ones are having.
    Funny, I'm a numbers person as well and have loved them since I was a child in school in the early 40's. I'm looking forward to the cooler temps at home so we can work outside.

  6. I leave all my plants outside during the winter months and keep fingers crossed for a regrowth - everything seems to have survived including my begonia's, but the last winter didn't seem as cold as what we usually get. Our HOT spell has finally gone and it's safe for me to go outside again haha. Like you I am a number counter and always write dates down in my diary. I wonder if you'll get your 3 Mill. visitor before the site meter closes.

    1. Love your quilt. Flowers looking good too. Numbers are interesting and a math teacher once said something about them being true, you can't argue with them.

  7. I knew we had started to blog close to the same time - I had my 10th blog anniversary in April but didn't really get into it until a couple years later. I know what you mean about being the stats person in the family - I was for a long time but then kind of grew out of it some years back. My site counter stopped working some years back - I really liked it just for fun, I never got another after that one quite - actually I think there had been two different ones and they both quit on me.
    Love that quilt, it looks complicated until you look closely and look at just one block - it is the color combos that can fool one into thinking it is harder than it is and would have a totally easy look to it with a two color combo. You are so good with color.

  8. I love your star quilt, my friend!

  9. This should be on a magazine cover. It is impressive.

  10. I love this quilt! Lots of movement going on here.

  11. 1940, that was a real vintage year for sure, will you celebrate your birthday? Mine in July is almost always wet and cold weather.

  12. Love your quilt top! The pattern is a simple nine-patch - but your color combinations make it look spectacular - ;))

  13. What a fantastic scrap quilt! At first, I saw the strong diagonal lines created by the lights, then I looked at the stars and all the different colors. But it wasn't until I clicked on the pic for a closer look did I even notice the star centers were all the same fabric. Amazing what the eye sees and doesn't. I'm a numbers person too! :)


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