
Monday, June 12, 2017

Cleaning is so boring......

One of the last jobs in the basement clean up for the art quilters is cleaning off tables and straightening piles of miscellaneous.  I got a little sidetracked yesterday and cut a few pieces for a new quilt that I want to make.  I think I have to plan the whole thing on the design wall so it will be awhile before I have enough pieces to start this one.


  1. The problem I have with cleaning, is that there are so many decisions to make where to put something, what category it fits into, and how it will all work to be able to be retrieved. It is exhausting and I would rather use the energy to create something. I am trying hard to reorganize my space so I can work easier without tripping on things.

  2. When I get in one of 'those' moods, I try to keep a notebook handy. That way I can jot down anything I need to buy, ideas for projects, etc and don't have to stop the cleaning. I find lots of ideas come my way while cleaning up.

  3. I find it helps to tote (I have a little pouch that has a strap so it can be worn around my neck) my audiobook device and listen with earphones to a book while cleaning. I almost forget what my body is doing because I get lost in the story.
    Are you using AccuQuilt die for this new quilt?

  4. Cleaning is not a fun or exciting activity, but it is nice when I can feel better about a space because it looks good. The downside is I usually put things away and then I can't find them! I like the colors of these pieces. The humidity and heat has arrived and I just could not get all my walking in this morning. It is all just too much for me.

  5. I love to get it all organized and cleaned, but it never lasts long enough. ;-(

  6. I saw a great sign the other day, and it read, "I understand the concept of cooking and cleaning; just not how it applies to me." Love your colours.

  7. This made me laugh. Cleaning is boring. The first half is easy - put this here, put that there. The last half is tough because the fabrics are already pulled, they need to be cut into usable scraps, etc. I do well at the first half and generally end up with a medium-sized pile for the second half!

  8. Your colors are so pretty. Will you share the block design with us soon? Your inspiration? I enjoy hearing/seeing/reading how your mind works in your design process. I always learn something new from you. For example, I never thought I would want to use templates for a quilt but I have been inspired by your use of them, I will give it a try! Thank you for your daily postings! I know it takes a lot of discipline/time/effort to do them.

  9. I've never minded cleaning my house as it's pretty easy, but dealing with my rescue dog's accidents on my rugs are frustrating. I'm looking forward to seeing what you have planned with this pink fabric.

  10. I don't like cleaning either. I'd rather be sewing. Quite an interesting assortment of pieces.

  11. It looks like you might be making a Japanese X and O quilt. am I right?

    I'm getting ready to start one out of Kaffe fabrics in browns and yellows.

  12. cleaning is a pain and the trouble is it gets untidy again! Did a through hoover yesterday morning as my GD was coming for the night but no she changed her mind well it is done for a week or so now no point in doing the spare room too often!

    Fabrics look nice for your new project

  13. I'm liking what I see so far! Anything with red or pink always catches my eye! Looking forward to seeing what you're cooking up!

    I just bought some fabric to make a quilt for a friend of my daughter's for graduation, but I'm not sure what to do with it. Could you take a peak (it's my latest blog post) and see what comes to mind when you see it?

  14. That block is haunting me! It is the unit in the quilt I'm designing for my friend and then it was one of the ideas I was toying with for my rainbow scraps quilt. Clearly I'm going to have to make something with that block at some point just so it will leave me alone!


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