
Sunday, June 18, 2017

A finish.............

I finished hand sewing the binding, label and hanging sleeve last night on "Blue".  It is a joyous celebration of the blue Dutch Wax batiks which were hard to find back in the 1990s.  There are a few regular quilting cottons used in the plainer pieces of the design.  It is 39.5" x 50".
I took this photo of the back of the quilt in the morning with the light from the window coming across it. 

I wrote a 6 part tutorial when I was making this quilt top.  You can find it in my Label List on the right sidebar: Modular Quilt Tutorial.

The hanging sleeve is one of the regular quilting cottons and was used on the front too.  The print is very similar to the batik fabrics.  I took this photo before the bottom edge was stitched in place.

In the gardening department I dug up this hosta, pulled it apart into 3 plants and then replanted it closer to the rock edging.  There are orange Tiger Lilies behind it and it was leaning on them.

Now when you enter the path you can see my 3 new plants, a little hosta and the replaced big hosta.  I think I need to dig up the small hosta (just past the daisies) and move it back a couple inches.  The Rudbeckia to the right is starting to form buds.

Finally....I am seeing little tomatoes on several of the plants.  There have been lots of blooms but up until this point I couldn't tell if the dried up ones were turning into tomatoes or not.


  1. Blue is wonderful! And so is your garden path -- very pretty.

  2. That quilt is just gorgeous. The fabric and pattern are perfect for each other. Your Shasta daisy are going to expand exponentially so be prepared, that little spot isn't going to hold them. Your tomato plants are doing great, it's not even July yet and you have toma.

  3. The quilt turned out beautifully. There are so many interesting fabrics in it.

  4. Thanks so much for the full view: it is glorious.

  5. Your quilt is beautiful. Love the fabrics. Great garden.

  6. Enjoy your photos and talks of your garden. It get so hot here in SC so everthing struggles especially near concrete. Just have to be on my toes. Still enjoy working in the flowerbeds. Have a great day.

  7. I love your modular quilt. Can this be done with orphan blocks if the orphan blocks are in sizes that are multiples of one number? I always seen to have a pile of orphans at the end of the year.

  8. Squeal! The blue quilt is gorgeous! Love the elephants, and the gorgeous blues. It's been very hot here, and although I have hostas that need replanted, I have been dreading going outside to do that. Plus the ground is dry so harder to dig.

  9. I'm so excited to see your blue quilt completed. GORGEOUS!

  10. I love your quilt. It turned out perfect!

  11. I love this quilt, you really are an artist. I love what you do with fabric and color!!!

  12. That turned out beautifully!! Off to check out your tutorial for the quilt...

  13. your quilt is amazing loving the animals they blend so well with the batiks.

    You are working hard on the garden putting mr to shame, have been looking in the gardening books and I should be pruning the lilac it is far too big but maybe next year so much needs cutting back as most things were planted 9 years ago and now it is all to crowded

  14. Yoru quilt is absolutely beautiful. What a treasure!

  15. The quilt, once finished, is so beautiful--and fun! I couldn't get a sense of it until you had it all together.

  16. Blue turned out beautiful! I love those indigo blues and the Dutch wax fabrics.

  17. Quilting, gardening and paper crafting are my 3 favorite hobbies as well. Beautiful quilt, and some striking ideas for me - and your tranquil garden - lovely - and so nice to have shade!


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