
Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Sewing again......

Thanks everyone for your comments yesterday about the daylight photos.  I ran out of time to answer everyone personally.

My company left at 7 a.m., a friend came over to use my design walls at 9:30 and I cut more squares for my colorwash kits, I mowed my front yard for the first time this spring, and then I did some laundry.  Last night was a TV night so I sewed some 2 triangle squares so I can continue making the star blocks.
While the clothes were in the dryer I laid out my first block.
I ended up with time to sew it.

I had time to layout a second block but was too tired to sew it.

A few days there  ago were just a few small plants of Lungwort/Pulmonaria but with almost an inch of rain Saturday night and then warm sunny days a bunch more popped up and they are really filling in the space.  You may have to click on the photo to enlarge to see all of the blooms.


  1. Love the block, you have such patience for these. I only wish you could share your secret stash of energy just go and go.

  2. You have been busy! Those star blocks are very dynamic!

  3. OH, I really like these batik star blocks. Very pretty. It's wonderful how mother nature starts coming out of hibernation once the rain and sun starts in the spring.

  4. Leve the star blocks! Did you cut the triangles on the Accuquilt at 2 1/2"? I have the 2 1/2 and the 3 1/2" triangles and need to cut my batiks to make some HSTs for blocks. Very inspiring.

  5. You're such a prolific quilter, I think you should publish a picture book of your quilts once you stop blogging. It would be great eye candy and you could include a few lessons of how-to's for those who want to try some of them. I would definitely buy it.

  6. Star blocks just twinkle ... they will make a gorgeous quilt.


  7. Oh, these batik star blocks are so pretty! Looked at yesterday's post and those quilts are more vibrant in daylight! Beautiful! But what REALLY got my attention is the purple walls and green carpet! What beautiful colors together! How inspiring! Love it! Is that your house or your daughter's? I am guessing it is yours. Exuberant Color!

  8. The star blocks are stunning! That will be another fabulously rich with colour quilt!

  9. You are energetic and talented! The star blocks are gorgeous.


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