
Friday, March 17, 2017

One seam......

I finally turned on the iron yesterday.  I kept putting it off until I had a big pile to press.  I first pressed the seams on the middle section of 15 rows and sewed it to the first section of 12 rows.  That is the only sewing I did all day.  I had lots of scraps that needed to be cut but they all needed pressing first.  I spent about 2 hours pressing and die cutting.  It was also errand day so I got out in the sunshine for awhile.  My two friends are coming over to sew today so I'll get something accomplished.


  1. I just love enlarging the photo and looking close up at the fabrics!

  2. this is so striking, I can't wait till it's finished.

  3. Hooray for sunshine and sewing with friends.

  4. Looking great. Love seeing your progress.

  5. I love these color shades!I can only press for an hour. kills my back. Hope you share the finished project. mary in Az


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