
Friday, March 31, 2017

#3 finish for March...............

I sewed on the binding and finished it by machine last night.  It ended up 47" x 59".  The source of the pattern is here.

I have a box full of 2.5" strips so I just pulled out nice intense contrasts to the yellows that would be the background.

I think the backing fabrics look good with the front.  The binding is the same gold fabric that is  on the back.

My granddaughter and two great-grandsons came over yesterday morning to bring me some Smores cake.  It is yummy!  She made it in the Rockcrock (by Pampered Chef) in the microwave.

Yesterday afternoon I pulled out large pieces of batik to find one to back the quilt on the left.  I decided on the beige one with the circles.  I got the seam sewn but haven't pressed it yet.


  1. I like this yellow quilt! Nice one!


  2. I took a quilt off the long arm last night, but I don't think it will get bound to make an end of month finish. Time to load another on.

  3. Three finishes for March is great! The quilt turned out so pretty and colorful! Somebody will love it!

  4. love that beige with the circles it will be great. nice to have such a stash to work with

  5. I want some of that S'mores cake! I love the pattern for this quilt. So you finished three quilts--yay! I started 3 quilts LOL

  6. I like this pattern and I do use precuts quite a bit as they are easy when traveling. I never use them in backgrounds though. I love your choice of fabrics and will take a look through this book.

  7. Those yellows really make that quilt! So pretty.

    Eating smores like that looks a lot less messy than eating smores the regular way. It does look yummy.

  8. Sunshine yellows and golds are glorious with your dark jewel toned hues on this quilt Wanda. It just dances off the screen. And a great backing with ferns and butterflies... Another wonderful finish Wanda.

    OMG... S'Mores cake... looks delicious, what a treat from your grand daughter.


  9. I really like the yellow background quilt. Isn't it funny how some quilts look so much better finished. You have to have the vision (and you do!) to picture it beforehand.


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