
Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Keeping at it...........

Finally at 6 p.m. last night I loaded this quilt and started quilting it.

It is my favorite randomly spaced straight lines again.  I don't feel a need to quilt every quilt with a different pattern.  I rely on my favorites over and overI think the straight lines are a good choice on a geometric pieced quilt design.

This shot shows the texture.

This is my favorite block.

After I trimmed that quilt I pieced batting for the yellow quilt.  I use a 3 step zig zag to sew the 2 pieces together.  I had to be sure I had 2 straight edges first and then butted them together and stitched over the seam.  A plain zig zag will create a ridge where the 3 step zig zag lays nice and flat.


  1. My old Singer 401 has a 3 step zig zag and thanks for the tip on sewing the batting with it. I used a normal zig zag and will switch up.

  2. Love the texture from those lines.

  3. This latest quilt is outstanding. I think it would look wonderful as the "headline" for the blog. It's so much more "YOU" than the log cabin that is there now!!!!!!!

  4. Definitely my favorite block as well, with that vivid orange.

  5. The quilting looks fantastic! That quilt is so pretty and vibrant! I stitch together scraps of batting the same way. I use that three stitch zig zag all the time. I don't have a serger so when I zig zag the raw edges after sewing a pillow case together, that is the stitch I use so I don't get that ridged edge like you so with a regular zig zag.

  6. I really appreciate the tip about using the three step zig zag stitch for joining batting remnants.

  7. Just for the record, I actually love the "H" block quilt you have as your header! The fabric choices in each block are very exuberant! I honestly enjoy seeing it each time I log onto your blog. I also enjoy seeing all the projects you are working on (home projects as well as quilting) and appreciate your taking the time and making the effort to share with us! Thanks for all the inspiration!

  8. as always, beautiful design and color choices!

  9. OMG!!! This is my favorite quilt EVER of yours!! What a glorious mix of design and color.

  10. Oh my, wonderful quilt. Love it. Love the fabrics.

  11. Wanda, this quilt is awesome! Love everything about it...fabrics, colors, blocks, backing, and quilting...everything!! Thanks so much for sharing with your blog followers!
    Sandra B

  12. Another great post today Wanda ~ An explosion of color once again. Designed to a "T". I so agree with your choice of quilting, I love the precision of randomly spaced straight lines. Always makes me smile to see what the quilting does to each of your designs. You always select the best for each quilt.

    And what a great tip for joining batting together... Thanks.


  13. Beautiful texture from the straight line quilting, and the setting squares with that beautiful - was it Target - fabric makes the whole quilt top swirl.

  14. I also thank you for the tip about the zig zag. Much appreciated.

  15. I read your blog every day, but rarely comment. I so appreciate your beautiful quilts and all you have to share. You are incredibly talented! I hope I have half your energy when I retire and finally have more time to quilt!
    I have used batting scraps before, but always used a regular zigzag stitch to join them. I will certainly try the 3-step zigzag instead.

  16. Thanks for sharing the tip (I never knew)


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