
Sunday, January 15, 2017

Working on two.......

At 10 p.m. last night it became obvious to me that I wasn't going to finish the hand stitching on the Bento Box quilt.  I needed a break from the close work so I sewed the binding on this Trip Around the World and machine finished one side.  If you enlarge the photo you will see it is not perfect.  I am going for "done" instead.  Most of my quilts are given to non-quilters and they don't even know what I'm talking about if I mention binding.  If I tell them I hand stitched the binding and show them, their comment is usually "I can't see any stitches".  In a perfect world I would have the time to hand stitch all of the bindings. 



  1. I machine stitch all my bindings. I think they are stronger with using and launder strong. If I was going to do hand stitching, I would do some hand quilting where it would show up. I figure, I machine pieced, machine quilted, I can machine bind. I do want to finish a lot of quilts, and that helps me achieve that goal.
    Your quilt looks terrific.

  2. Having seen your finishes, I don't think anyone will notice. Your machine binding always looks good to me. And you are so right the Done is better!

  3. I'd be thrilled to be given a gift of this quilt. I don't think I'd notice any little glitches in the binding.
    I've started doing more machine binding. I love the faux piping machine binding-- looks extra special and all done by machine.

  4. Looks good to me. I can't sew either by hand or machine that late at night. I'd be dangerous!

  5. I love the process of hand stitching the binding. It's soothing and very relaxing, a nice way to finish. I also like how it can't see any stitches!
    But you are right, non-quilters have no idea and sometimes you just have to get projects finished. I machine stitch children's quilts as a rule.
    I really enjoy your posts, Wanda. You accomplish so much every day! It gently urges me to do better, just a little more. I tend towards the lazy side if I don't keep pushing myself!

  6. You are such a go getter. Done is done!

  7. You have given me two of my favorite quilting expressions---"done" and "humble spots." They have been very liberating--thank you!!!

  8. What technique do you se to machine bind your quilts. I have yet to be successful with machine binding. I enjoy your blog.

  9. There is something to be said for going for 'done'!! I usually hand stitch my bindings, and I think it gives a softer 'hand' than machine sewn bindings, but it is very time consuming. I also have carpal tunnel in my dominant hand, so I have to stop sewing often when hand stitching. I have started sewing 'comfort quilts' with my guild (given to charity) and someone came up with a great way to sew the binding on by machine - she uses a serpentine stitch on the front and I think it gives a nicer look than the straight stitch. Plus it's a bit more forgiving :)

    By the way, I love this quilt and the binding is fine. The recipient will never notice. I also really like your Bento Box quilt. I bought that pattern many years ago but still haven't made it yet. But I do want to make one eventually!

  10. Perfection is always the aim . Any recipient should be so glad and thankful for the beautiful blocks and finished quilt. I like the flange bindings, and do the stitching on the top with a hemmer foot, and it slides along the flange so well.My hand stitching is not good enough now.

  11. From your statement on bindings it was interesting to read how others have finished their bindings. No matter how you finish your works of art they always look stunning with every stitch.

    We have a high of 0 degrees right now. 🙄 a bit on the nippy side. But we are in that Arctic Front that will not leave our valley. Been too many days of frosty weather even for us mountaineers.


  12. Your quilt is beautiful! I can no longer do hand sewing/quilting so I do all of my bindings now by machine. I like the "magic binding" method - use two colors - sew it to the back - flip it to the front - sew in the ditch between the "main" color and the "accent" color. It works for me - and I give it my best shot - but I go for DONE, not perfect - ;))

  13. It is beautiful and I see no mistakes. I've never even tried a hand binding. Neither my eyesight nor my patience want to get involved with that.

  14. I still struggle with machine stitching my binding, can't seem to keep a straight line!! It does save me some pain in my arthritic hands though.

  15. I think it is beautiful ... your work is amazing! Love this quilt! :)

  16. I machine bind ALL of my quilts. I have never enjoyed sewing anything by hand. I want my quilts to be loved and used, to be tossed in the washer and dryer without worry. The only ones who have ever given me stink eye over machine binding are other quilters. Their problem, not mine.


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