
Tuesday, January 3, 2017

What I have been doing since January 1..........

I have started the new year with a second purple quilt.  It has the same fabrics as the 16 patch I finished last month.  I only sew on the blocks at night during TV time so it will be a few days before I'm ready for the design wall.
I made this quilt once before with Kaffe Fassett fabrics but I didn't have the ruler at that time.  It was designed after the book was printed.  I bought the ruler at a blog garage sale several years ago and wanted to use it.  This is in Karla Alexander's book "Color Shuffle". 
This was one project on New Year's Day for me.

This photo was taken while I was still down on the floor after putting it together.  I had seen the IKEA carts on many blogs and when Target showed one on sale in their Dec. 25 flier in the Tribune I decided I needed to check it out.  I actually got 2 of them, one for the main level studio and one for the basement.  They were $24.99 on sale with an additional $5 off reusable coupon.  Since I was going by 2 Target stores that day I used the coupon twice.
This is a top view of the trays with a metal mesh bottom layer.

This is my idea for the one in the basement.  It has GO dies and the GO adapter so I can use them on my Studio die cutter.  Also there are some Studio dies and the plastic sheets that are used on top of the dies.  Awhile back I moved my Studio die cutter to an area with more room but I have found that the lighting is bad in that location too so I will move it again.  This cart will have all of the smaller dies at my fingertips when needed and rolled over to a storage spot the rest of the time.  AND, yes I have a lot of dies.  I cut with my die cutter at least 3 times a week and for an average of 2 hours a week.  I don't just own a die cutter, I use my die cutter.  In 2 hours I can cut the pieces for a couple complete quilts.  If I'm not cutting a quilt, I'm cutting scraps in shapes I will use later or I'm cutting pieces for my colorwash quilts.

The waxed bulb Amaryllis is still standing up straight.  The first four blooms are fully opened.

I turned it so you can see the fifth bud is getting ready to open.  I think the sixth one will bloom too.



  1. such a good idea for your dies - I only have a few so do not need a lot of space for them and the last couple of months started to use them much more then I did in the beginning of the year

  2. I have a cart that is similar to that - but it has shelves - not trays. I use it for my dies also. I just don't use mine as often as you do yours.

  3. At first glance at the purple quilt to be, I thought my eyes were fooling me and then thought doesn't Wanda know the squares are crooked....LOL on me. Reading further, I caught on. It will be a mind blowing quilt!
    Super love that idea for the dies and how to keep them organized together. I will pin it for organization to remind me. And the amaryllis is so pretty.

  4. I need to find some kind of storage for my dies. I also need to buy some more, but there has not been a good sale. I think I have that ruler somewhere. Once, I took a class with Karla Alexander. She was a very helpful teacher.

  5. Love my Ikea carts. Found another one at Walmart....same price. I enjoy your blog and pictures of your plants.

  6. What is the ruler that makes those wonky blocks? Love them!! And you are TRULY organized now (as if you weren't before--HA!!). Neat cart.

  7. Beautiful quilt!
    Hope you will enjoy that trolley. I wish I had room for more than one... so handy!
    ; )

  8. Good morning Wanda, on this very foggy Tuesday of a brand new year. How can you possibly be more organized than you already are? Love those new carts, and when I first saw them, I thought maybe they were for your plants, but think they are well suited for use as your moveable, GO cutter die storage unit.

    Hope the fog lifts so we can go to Meijer. Don't really enjoy driving in this kind of weather. Enjoy your day!

  9. Can't wait to see how that quilt progresses. The colors are beautiful.

  10. That's a great use for the tray. The dies will be easier to locate. I'm so enjoying seeing the blooms continue to come.

  11. I am catching up from being away from the computer since the 23rd. You had a very productive year in 2016! I like your new Target carts! I am trying to think of a reason to buy one myself! I did spend some time straightening up my fabric storage room while I was off and I am ready to be productive in 2017! Happy New Year!

  12. I've wanted one of those carts for a while and hope to get to Ikea sometime this year, about 75 minute drive away. I love the wonky blocks and when I get organised I'll try to make my own template. I just checked yesterdays post and it was great to see all your Wandaful quilts grouped together - thanks for sharing all you do and some handy tips along the way :)

  13. Ooooo, I want one of those IKEA carts but I want it in turquoise blue.

  14. What a wonderful way to wake up every morning - drinking my coffee while reading your post! I'm amazed always at your enthusiasm and productivity.

  15. Of all the recaps of 2016, and this includes all the news and talk show's. YOUR RECAP of 2016 was the BEST ! Made me smile with all you have designed. Amazing, wonderful, awesome, spectacular, always full of exciting colors, there are more descriptive words, but these are off the top of my head right now.

    You truly have outdone yourself this past year. Thank you for sharing your amazing talents with us.


  16. What a great cart. You got a really good deal.

  17. The carts are perfect for the dies. I've never seen a 6 flower amaryllis. It's gorgeous. Ours is 1-2 days from full bloom. It also has a bud at the base but I don't think it will do anything. Your new quilt looks great.

  18. That flower is downright amazing! I love my rolling carts -- glad you have two that will make things easier to use in your studio.

  19. LOVE the wonky squares! What ruler are you using?

  20. I am always amazed by your organization and ability to get sooo many things done. Guess I need to take a page from your book. What is the template you are using for your purple quilt. It is be spectacular. Thank you for your inspiration.

  21. Thanks for showing the rolling cart I keep the strip dies under the table beneath the cutter, but I have most of my dies stores in a under the window built in bookcase in the cutting area of my sewing rooms, but the cutter is way at the other end. I went online and found this in dark grey. Not as good a deal as yours, but I saved 15% and they will ship free. The white one isn't sold on line, as far as I can see, but the gray one will work just fine.

    I too use my cutter a lot. Love the ease and accuracy. When I am tired, it is easier to cut while I listen to an audiobook than it is to sew.

    Stay warm, Michele


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