
Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Number 2 almost done........

I made a lot of headway in the organization of the basement yesterday.  In the afternoon I loaded this batik Bento Box quilt and last night I quilted it.

At 10:30 p.m. I trimmed it and today I will look for binding. It has to be something that will look good with that wild checkerboard batik backing.

We had a high wind alert yesterday.  The little bit of snow we got Monday night melted as the temperature rose and it rained.  There were wind gusts 50 to 60 mph.  It was not a good day for driving.



  1. I think the wild checkboard batik is the perfect batting for the Bento Box quilt.
    I am continually amazed at how productive you are (and that you can find backings for your tops) and how beautiful your quilts are.


  2. The quilt is so pretty and I love the backing! This is a fun quilt!

    The wind just howled here last night and with the rain we don't have much snow left at all, but then we only had an inch or two to begin with. Ice on the sidewalks and in the parking lot where I walk was the issue this morning. It is suppose to get up to 50 today with rain this afternoon. Crazy weather!

  3. it got up to 70 here yesterday - crazy - love that quilt.

  4. High winds here, too. The snow is gone and now we have rain puddles. Temps in the high 60s. VERY strange. Your Bento Box looks grand. (So what prompted this organization project??)

  5. I really love your Bento Box quilt and the checkerboard backing is just perfect.
    So sorry I haven't sent a comment over the holidays but I have been out of action with a lengthy virus. On the mend now and today I will sew for the first time in ages. I gain so much inspiration from your blog and for this I would like to send you a huge THANK YOU and best wishes for a healthy, happy, quilting 2017. All you make and share is so appreciated, especially form my little corner of the world in Liverpool, England.
    I went food shopping y'day as we had a snow warning so it gave me my first trip out for some time. Very rare for us to have snow so it may never arrive! After seeing your amaryllis I treated myself to a variegated red one at a post Christmas half price.
    Stay warm,
    Jo x

  6. You and Patty are making me feel bad. These 2 weeks being sick have really hampered my own progress

  7. I always find such beautiful eye candy here. You have such a great eye for color and pattern...ahh, so nice on my eyes.

  8. Wow!! Gorgeous!! I love the backing, and I also do see why it can make finding the right binding a challenge. If anyone can do it, you can!

  9. Just what I needed on a gloomy snowy day here in the valley. Fabrics used to make your Bento Box design are "exuberant" as always and OMG your backing is stupendous ! I know you will find the perfect binding in your stash. Just wish I was there to help you look. (*._.*)



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