
Saturday, January 21, 2017

January finish #4

Last night I quilted this spiral baby quilt and put the binding on all by machine.  I was going to use a black with small white dot fabric for the binding but when I saw this narrow stripe I decided I liked it better.  The quilt ended up at 43" x 50".
I was pretty happy with the placement of the diamond print fabric.  

I went to see the movie "Hidden Figures" yesterday afternoon.  It was a wonderful movie and it would have been such a shame if that story had not been told.  The story behind events is such a big part of history and I'm glad this story was documented in a book and made into a movie so we could all know about it.


  1. Beautiful Wanda. Your quilts always are a joy to see.

  2. I just googled and watched the trailer to your recommended film - it's out in the UK in February :)

  3. Love this quilt and the backing too. Never heard of the movie so I was able to watch the trailer on YouTube and will try and see the movie. Thanks for the recommendation

  4. Love the binding. Congratulations on a great finish- front and back.

  5. Yep the stripy binding looks awesome....

  6. It finished off beautifully Wanda - such a great quilt.

  7. Wow, I like this little quilt so much! And 4 finishes already this month! Way to go!

  8. This is a great baby quilt! The black and white would go along with what they say babies like to look at.

  9. That is the movie the kids went to see last week when Mr. Marvelous stayed with us. They had nothing but good things to say about the movie. That baby quilt is AWESOME!

  10. Number 4 is a beautiful finish and a great start to 2017.

  11. Love this oh so colourful baby quilt!

  12. Perfectly delightful baby quilt! Lots of visual stimulation there. I had not even heard of Hidden Figures, so thank you.

  13. This is a gorgeous quilt!

  14. Beautiful quilt! Do you use a template or die cutter to make the blocks?

  15. Nancy A: rangerer@sbcglobal.netJanuary 22, 2017 at 4:06 PM

    I love the way you use colors. Thanks for sharing. How did you get the same angle on your pieces?

  16. Love everything about that quilt! And, I too loved the movie. In fact I really appreciate the several mobvies recently which have features the achievements of African Americans. Including The Butler and 42. This one was special, however, because the women in this movie were so phenomenal and so ahead of their time; so brave and strong in addition to being brilliant. I'm so glad the book was written and the movie made and I only hope more books are written and movies made about the many other uncelebrated women and minorities who have been ignored by the history which is generally written by and about white men.

  17. Another finish - outstanding! The quilt is so pretty!

  18. Love how your quilt turned out and that binding is a great choice. I wouldn't mind making one like this. Sounds like such a good movie - can't wait to see it.

  19. Totally agree about the movie. It was wonderful, and so were the actors. Love the baby quilt!


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