
Monday, December 5, 2016

Yes, it snowed..............

It started snowing at 8 yesterday morning and was still coming down at 3:30 when I went out to shovel my sidewalk and porch.  There was about 4" on the sidewalk but closer to 6" on the grass.  Snow didn't accumulate on the road or sidewalk until about 2 hours into the storm because we hadn't had cold weather recently so they were warm.  I sewed the rest of the purple strips for the 16 patch and got them pressed.  Then I cleaned off my die cutter table and found the leftover Marcia Derse triangles shown here.  I think I'll make a table runner out of them.
This is the view out of my kitchen window around 2:30.

This is a Rose of Sharon bush right outside my kitchen sink window.

Here is a closer look at the seed heads and snow piled on them.

The two Redbud trees by my driveway look like they are in bloom.  The snow was wet and piled up on everything.

The snapdragons growing in a crack in my driveway are still green and blooming.  Today is supposed to get up near 40 so we should have some melting.  My two friends are coming over to sew today.  I'm glad my snowplow guy came last night and cleaned off the driveway.


  1. A very pretty day, snow-wise and fabric-wise. Have fun sewing with your friends!

  2. So far, no snow in Buffalo! Thanks for the lovely snow photos. Have fun today sewing with a friend!

  3. Wow..... I am really glad I live where snow is rare.

  4. the first snow of the season is pretty but after awhile especially in the north I'm sure you wouldn't mind it if you didn't get anymore

  5. We didn't get any snow this weekend - yeah! I forget what a pain it is until I have to go shovel it for the first time.

  6. Very pretty snow (as opposed to the flat, dry version that makes terrible snowmen). I know - I have the luxury of saying that since we get very little snow here ... Those triangles will make an excellent table runner!

  7. looks like a winter wonderland there. Beautiful. It sounds like a perfect sew day.

  8. The first snow is always so exciting!

  9. Oh, your snow is so beautiful! The first snowfall of the year is always so exciting in its pristine feathery whiteness. It feels to me like the world is covered in a quilt of White! I always makes me so happy. Thank you for your photos.

  10. That snow is scary! I'm not at all ready for real winter and snow yet! But I know that any day, the same thing could happen here! Eek! It's gotten quite cold lately and will get even colder the next few days - when I'll actually be on a short, sweet trip to Northern California.

  11. Would you like to sell the Marcia Derse triangles. I love the colors but do not want to look for all the fabrics. my e-mail is
    paweis at yahoo dot com.
    Thank You.


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