
Friday, November 18, 2016

Seams and binding..........

I finished all of the seams in one direction on the colorwash wallhanging.  Hopefully today I will get all of the cross seams sewn.  My two friends are coming over so I will have a day devoted to studio time.

I also got the binding sewn on the Marcia Derse tall triangles quilt.  I have decided I will hand finish this one.  It will be a lot easier to sew than all of the batik bindings I have done this year.

I continued working outside today.  I didn't see a thermometer but we were close to 70 degrees.  It was up to 74 in Chicago.  This is the snapdragon that is growing in a crack in my driveway.  I showed it earlier this year and it has continued to grow and bloom all summer and up until now.  We will get freezing temperatures overnight this weekend so this is probably its last day today.
In the back garden this coneflower thought it would have a couple more blooms.  It almost made it.

In the inside cactus garden one of my white cacti is blooming.  I love that little streak of bright pink.


  1. I find it so exciting things are still blooming! Today will be the last warm day in Buffalo. I will re-evaluate the outdoor pots and see what needs to go. Love the colorwash. I am finishing quilting a king size quilt that I was asked to quilt as a special favor and I will be glad when it is done so I can go back to my own.

  2. The quilts are coming along nicely! I am going to miss this Indian Summer!

  3. We have had such a nice fall. It snowed on Thursday and today the sun is shining and it is 13 F. Get ready it's on it's way.

  4. I'd be tempted to put a bucket or something over that snap dragon to keep it going a bit longer - the driveway will insulate the roots, I bet!


  5. I was wondering if that storm was going to head your way. We'll miss your garden shots.

  6. Today as I was walking the neighborhood I noticed a clematis blooming on a coach light.
    My one cactus has 2 blooms and my other is full of buds. So excited about them.


  7. Wow. Maybe I am behind the times but I have never seen blocks sewn together by columns. This looks very interesting. I'm guessing that you then lay the rows together, without cutting, and sew together. This is so cool!!
    I'm going to try this on my next quilt. Thanks.


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