
Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Ready to bind.........

I cut the binding but I haven't decided whether I'll hand finish or machine finish it.  I had just barely enough of the charcoal dot fabric for the binding.

Yes, our weather has been crazy this year and I have roses in November.  The neighbors planted 2 rose bushes on my property thinking it was their property.  This one bloomed early and then all of the rest of the summer no blooms.  I was out pulling out tomato plants and zinnias and noticed these blooms. 

We have 2 more warm days this week and then it turns cold.  I really hate to dump the last pots because the flowers are still blooming but I won't want to work outside when it is cold.  


  1. instead of dumping the pots that have flowers on them can you move them to the house for a couple weeks? sometimes I do that but quite often they die quickly so it doesn't really extend the life that long. Beautiful roses! I still have some too and I still have a variety of petunias & zinnia's as well.

  2. Charcoal binding is terrific! I am still trying to find someplace for my geraniums inside. I would have to get some plant lights if I put them in the fruit cellar in the basement.

  3. Perfect binding fabric -- what a wonderful quilt this will be!!

  4. I have started machine binding now on my quilts. They are just quilts to be used, not a heritage quilt or anything like that. Its so fast and secure, I am getting good at putting them on nicely now. The first weren't so nice looking, it takes practice. My roses are still blooming too.

  5. Love that polka dot binding! The roses are gorgeous! I noticed that I have one bud on one of my Shasta daisy plants. The flowers got burnt out by early July so it was strange to see this one bud. Don't know if it will bloom or not.

  6. I have started doing more and more binding by machine.

    Roses in November.....amazing! They are beautiful too.

  7. Love your binding, Wanda - it will be the icing on the cake!

  8. I like that binding! I almost always end up using a striped fabric for binding, but what a good idea to use polka dots. I have so many fabrics with polka dots, and all kinds of other dots and spots. I'll start trying to audition some of those for bindings in the future!


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