
Thursday, October 27, 2016

Working on a colorwash.......

I started working on this colorwash over a week ago.  I put a few pieces on it two days ago and yesterday decided I needed to fill it all in.

I had the last 2 innings of the World Series game on while I worked on it.  I don't usually watch baseball but with our Cubs in it, I need to know how it comes out.  Cubs won the game!!

I filled it all in but it needs a lot of tweaking.  The brightest yellows might come out or get moved.  I need to get my trays of squares back in their big storage box because the art quilters are coming next Monday.



  1. I like it so far! I can see why you might want to change the yellow ones.

  2. I like it so far! I can see why you might want to change the yellow ones.

  3. Looking great. I love the mix of colours♥

  4. Love the colors! Especially since it is dark, cold and rainy here!

  5. Love it....I was sorting my squares yesterday to mix with the ones from you. So this is good inspiration to move to action.

  6. Lots of red and green but it does not look like Christmas.

  7. I like the yellow mixed in. There's one red square on the top right that seems to stand out to me. This one is beautiful!


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