
Wednesday, October 19, 2016


I brought all of the colorwash samples down to the basement.  I sorted them by the time period in which they were made.

I finished cutting the colorwash kits.  They won't be available on my Wandaful blogshop until after the class finishes on Thursday. 

I even had time to mow the grass late yesterday afternoon. The humidity level dropped and there was a nice cool breeze.


  1. you have a lot of your colorwash quilts don't you. The class will appreciate seeing them all - have fun

  2. The colorwashes look so fabulous! Hope the class inspires people to dive in and get excited!

  3. Good morning Wanda.....Your colorwash kits look beautiful! Have fun in class tomorrow and am looking forward to seeing the results of your excellent teaching skills. Enjoy today's weather, as it looks as if I'll be bringing in my hibiscus plants till spring, what with the nighttime temps getting to below 50 degrees. Enjoy the day.

  4. Wish I could attend that class. It is going to be fabulous.

  5. Love the idea of seeing how your work and colorwash theory have evolved. Sometimes that is such a great way to see the development of an artist. Good luck with the class.

  6. That small peek of your color wash quilts set my heart racing, they are so pretty.

  7. The is so much inspiration in that stack of quilts! I am sure your students will be thrilled to see them! I has been hot and humid here. I had to break down and turn the A/C back on which I have never done in Mid-October! The humidity is 87% right now. I hope the weather you are having today is here tomorrow. It was hard for me to walk this morning at 7 with all that dampness!


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