
Monday, October 3, 2016

Maybe final layout.........

Twice I thought I had the final layout and I ended up changing pieces after I saw the photo.  I'll give this one more day before I sew it to be sure.  Since I used mediums in both the light and the dark positions a few times it is harder to get a crisp layout.

I keep looking at this tree stump from my kitchen window and decided I needed to photograph it.

All three of these sections of the Redbud tree were leaning toward my house.  The black one was cut several years ago as it fell and landed against my house on Christmas day.  My brother came over and cut it apart that day.  The other two were just cut a couple weeks ago.
This was on another tree, a section that has leaned down farther every year.  The guy cutting it said it was full of black ants.


  1. Love this layout. It keeps my eye moving looking at each one. Very exciting.

  2. The layout is certainly dynamic. I just had my pin oak stump and a mutant dawn redwood stump ground out in my front yard. Now we need to mover the edging rocks around to deal with the interruption of the garden.

  3. I love your quilt, but I do need to ask a question. On the upper right hand row, there seems to be a few really dark pieces together. I notice that you have a lighter section running through the quilt top diagonally, or it appears to me. I like everything except I think the few pieces of dark together are a little strong. I am no expert here Wanda and you know this so take it with a grain of salt.

  4. You have inspired me to try one of these with my larger scraps. I love the blend of surprise and organization. Love your color sense.

  5. Well, have done it again! I was skeptical of the Bento Box, and whether or not I would want to try it. But, you have inspired me to give it a go sometime! The stump photos with the greenery are colorful inspirations!

  6. I agree with Kevin. It's a pattern that I have avoided but you, as always, make it work!

  7. This turned out so cool I love the layout!! What a great grouping of batiks to sparkle in an organized manner. You are a magician with fabric, pattern and color.

  8. The quilts is looking great and a good size. Wonderful photos of the tree stumps, every bit as interesting as the flowers in our gardens, at least I think so.

  9. Trees are so interesting... I like them upright and growing better than dead and bug eaten, but there is beauty in both!! The quilt is coming along!

  10. The Bento Box is so interesting! So many ways to lay it out and yours looks great. The trees are quite interesting also!


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