
Monday, October 31, 2016

Clean table..........

The tables are finally cleaned off and the cookies baked.  The art quilters will be here today.  I laid the blocks on the table so I won't forget to show them today.  

We're going into a warm spell now which is unusual for early November.  I'll probably spend some time outside this week with fall clean up.  The plants in most of my pots still look pretty good so I hate to dump them, but it is time.


  1. I hate to have to make time to clean my table but it is becoming so over piled with projects that it is time to get organized once again. I only have two very large ferns outside right now in pots, I didn't put many things in pots this year outside.

  2. Hopefully, the table will not stay clean for long- but full of great blocks! After the quilt retreat this weekend, my studio looks very jumbled.

  3. I went online to read about over wintering geraniums and we dug up 6 plants yesterday. I will trim them and put in a paper sack for a spot in our basement. This week we are planting my Iris I took from our other home. Lots of mulch going down here and leaves coming up.

  4. I got home yesterday and found my colorwash kit. Thank you!

  5. Do you clean your cutting mats? My husband cut batting on mine with a dull blade. Needless to say I have batting all stuck to my mat. Please don't say I need to buy another $70 mat. Help please. Mary


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