
Monday, August 22, 2016

Cutting kits............

I went to the basement to work on some kits and decided to take one more photo of this quilt on the design walls.  It has to come down because this is my best photo wall.  I have really enjoyed having it up there for over a week.
I am going to give my color workshop in late September so I have been working on the kits of 100 squares (2.5").  I cut 24 kits last summer and did them with a double layer of each fabric which means I have to divide the stacks into 2 kits.  The 6 on the left are divided.  I do the dividing while the news and weather is on at night.

It was such a beautiful day yesterday, mid 70s and low humidity.  I have started the clean up of the back garden starting with cutting down the peonies and digging out unwanted plants and volunteer trees.  I only got about a third done so I'll work on it again today.


  1. I love that quilt. How big is it? It looks huge.

  2. The quilt is just so lovely and happy. I think it is stunning in color, pattern, and value. I can see why you hate taking it down. Finally is cooler here- I actually opened the windows!

  3. The quilt is just amazing. I didn't realize it was that big! It's a show stopper.

  4. That quilt looks great on the wall. I wouldn't want to take it down either.

  5. Beautiful quilt, Wanda! I knew it was big, but didn't realize how big until this picture.... Looking forward to seeing how you quilt it...
    We are having cooler weather in Virginia today and tomorrow, so I will be doing some yard work ....we will have the windows open, as well. It will be good to get some fresh air in the house!!
    Sandra B

  6. Where are you giving your color workshop?

  7. The quilt is fantastic! Drooling on my keyboard as I look at it.

  8. I didn't realize that the quilt was that big, it's absolutely awesome. It's so much cooler here too, almost chilly at 66 degrees this morning.

  9. Like others, I'm curious what size that beauty is!! Absolutely lovely!

  10. I see it's not just me who is surprised to see how large the quilt is! I thought it was 'wall-hanging' size......but that is much larger. It is beautiful!!

  11. Beautiful quilt. Love it. Another one i'ld like to make. Wish i lived closer, I'd take your class. Upstate NY has cooled off also. I turned off the kitchen fan bec it was a wee bit too cool. Love it.

  12. Cut an extra set of squares for me! I can never have enough.

    And I would love to come to one of your classes but I'm too far away. Boo.

  13. That quilt is so pretty! I can imagine it made you smile every time you saw it. So sorry about your nephew's passing.

  14. Wow! That sure is one gorgeous quilt!

    Please send a little cool weather down my way if you can. It hasn't reached Georgia yet. I am fantasizing about the mid 70's.

  15. I somehow missed how large this quilt is. I love the scale of it! Coming to your blog is like a quick breath of fresh air when I see your projects.

  16. Sorry--I just posted under my son's account! I love this quilt and am glad to see another photograph of it. It was fun to watch it come together.

  17. Woe to us who cannot take your workshop. I don't imagine you offer it online?

  18. Love the quilt on your design wall, gorgeous.

  19. I love your layout A WOW quilt!


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