
Tuesday, August 30, 2016

3 layouts.......

I rearranged the blocks for a better balance of colors and prints.  Since there are 3 different colors of the leopard print I wanted them distributed well.
There were 4 layouts on the pattern (pattern info on this post) so I tried 3 of them.  The 4th one was really almost the same as the first one.

Here is the third layout.  I like all of them so I'll just have to pick one and sew it. 


  1. #1 would be my vote. As you say, they are all very nice.

  2. I'm glad you showed these different layouts. Always fun to see the difference it makes. First I liked 3, then 2... :)

  3. The layouts all give a different effect to the floating squares. Going to be hard for you to choose.

  4. Like all three....#2 or #1 are favorites. Which ever you select will be great.

  5. Number 1 looks more random which I like, but I don't think you could go wrong with any of the layouts.

  6. I guess you will just have to surprise us.

  7. Yes, number 1 is more random. :)

  8. I think layout 1 is what I used when I made this for my niece. I think layout 2 is kind of interesting, though.

  9. I prefer the first layout. The 2nd gives the effect of joined up chains and the 3rd looks too static (for my liking). Your colour arrangement looks better. I'm getting a little sewing done and making some yo-yo's to attach onto something my daughter knitted. I have an Olfa rotary cutter so that speeds up the circle cutting and much neater. We've had hot sunshine the past 2 days so I'll need to water my plants tonight. One of my Clematis has re-flowered which was a nice surprise :)

  10. I like them all, as well, Wanda....looking forward to seeing which one you choose!

    Sandra B

  11. WEll the good news is you don't hate them all!

  12. Well, I like all 3 layouts. They are different from each other and all are great.

  13. Well, I seem to be the lone vote, so far, but I like layout #2, and the linked chain effect that Ms. Gilbert observed.

    #1 has a pattern, but you have to look for it, and once you find it, it isn't (to my eye, anyway) all that satisfying.

    #3, as Ms. Gilbert also notes, is very static.

    #2 has motion/direction that is easily discernible, and I think it's a great counterpoint to the background.

    Just one Frebblebit's opinion. :-)

  14. I liked #2, but I wonder if you could do a light to dark grouping to get some bands based on value? Not sure if it would work but worth exploring? Interesting blocks when put together.

  15. #3 for me, I like the symmetry, and the way it shows the fabrics.

  16. I am with Nancy j. Number three really looks 3-d.vera.

  17. I too like best the more random one which is shown first in your post.

  18. I like the #1 the best. Will be fun to see which one you choose.

  19. What happens if you group them in fours with the floater squares touching? But you would need to add (or subtract) a row of blocks.

  20. I like #1 the best but I feel sure that even if you pick number 1 there will be a little twist to it so we'll all be surprised!

  21. It will totally depend upon what mood you're in when you sew it. More orderly? Symmetrical? Or random? I kinda like the first one since the word "floating" does imply a more random state.

  22. I vote for #1 - it has a complex, "floaty" look. More interesting.

  23. Go for # 1 I think. 2 & 3 are really nice, but very symmetrical, where #1 is a lot more interesting. I love seeing your quilts - I see what you're cutting and think they are just awful sometimes, but then you finish the quilt and I'm truly amazed at how wonderful it looks. It's AMAZING!!


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