
Sunday, July 31, 2016

Pairing the fabrics............

Last night I finished cutting the Marcia Derse scraps into Drunkard's Path pieces.  Then I paired the pieces and piled them to go to the sewing machine.  I now have plenty of mindless sewing parts between this project and the plaid/Kaffe triangle project.  I will turn on Netflix and sew, sew, sew.  Then there will some fun design wall time later in the week.

I went shopping with my granddaughter for lunch fixings and then stayed at her house for a few hours.  I grabbed a screwdriver and put most of the outlet covers and switch-plate covers on.  I couldn't get to a few of them because of all of the boxes that need to be unpacked.  The guys were working on the fence for the backyard.  There are 2 large dogs and a 2 year old that need boundaries. 

This afternoon is a baby shower so I won't have any finishes this month.  It has been so hot and humid that all of my good intentions for last week didn't materialize.  I will do a recap tomorrow of the quilt tops that I finished in July.


  1. sounds like a nice family day helping the granddaughter at her house how nice to have her close by for visiting!

  2. No finishes, but you did so much for others that it is all good.

  3. All those pieces are so exciting! I just came back from AQS Syracuse and no one had any Marcia Derse for sale. There are no LQS left near me. Her fabric is hard to buy online because the colors can be very grayed or clear. These look phenomenal already.

  4. LOVE, LOVE the Marsha Derse fabrics.....have a few in my stash. These, however, are stunning and am anxious to see your progress on the Drunkard's path quilt. Keep cool and out of the sun, lady!

  5. It's exciting to see all that beautiful fabric waiting to be sewed . Your great grand daughter is lucky to have you. Our hot spell has broken and we are getting much needed rain. Grandson's baseball tournament has been cancelled on the last day. Will have to wait to see who is the winner. Stay cool..

  6. Lovely pairings to "sew, sew, sew"!

  7. I know you must be loving having them so close.

  8. Summer is a more relaxed time for the day to day routines that we go through. I keep telling myself, I can get to all my jobs eventually, they will still be there!! Being with family is as important, as finishing quilting tasks!! Sometimes, we need to slow down and be in the moment or rest our bodies.

  9. Time to check in again... Summer is sailing by all too fast, isn't it ? Love your description of your garden. I decided to steal your phrase "Wild and Tangled Garden." I love it too, it has several blossoming plants that add to the ambiance of your photo.

    As always your designing layouts and fabrics makes me smile. So looking forward to your butterfly piece.

    Gosh Wanda... your tire event was quite a story.... And ending with a FREE warranty on that tire made your story a happy ending. Tires are outrageously priced anymore. But what isn't I guess.


  10. Congratulations on your grandaughter's arrival! I hope you and she will both enjoy each others' company. Does she have any imterest in sewing?
    The new quilt WILL be gorgeous!


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