
Sunday, July 3, 2016

First tomatoes............

I picked the first tomatoes and brought them in to ripen on the windowsill.  I wasn't going to take a chance that the squirrels would get to them.  I predicted that I would have my first tomato by the 4th of July.  I don't know if the one on the right will be ripe enough by tomorrow but I was close with my estimate.

Yesterday was errand day and cutting more brush for pick up this week.  Then I read my book from the library.  No sewing.


  1. I wouldn't risk it either! I've had a few grape tomatoes, but not a big one yet!

  2. I do that too, bring them in to finish ripening - otherwise things get them -

  3. Good Morning Wanda.....Mine aren't near ripening yet, but I planted them a little later than you did. There are quite a few green ones on all of the bushes, so I expect in about a week or so, we will be feasting on home grown tomatoes. There's nothing like them!!

    What are you reading? I always have a few audio books from the library, so when I'm doing mindless things, I can listen to them. Hope you enjoy your weekend. We are staying home and getting things done outside, given that the weather is cooler.

  4. Hot weather here has just about finished our tomato crop for the season. Nothing tastes better than home grown tomatoes!

  5. There is no better 'natural' exuberant color than tomatoes! That red/orange color of the tomato and the green of the vine! Beautiful! ......and delicious.

  6. Humm...........maybe you should do almost ripe fried not green tomatoes if they are not ripe tomorrow!Nothing tastes better than homegrown tomatoes.

  7. I can almost smell those fresh picked tomatoes, nothing like the first home grown ones of summer.

  8. I'm so curious! What are you reading? I am also a quilter and a reader!

  9. I feel a little envious of your tomatoes! We had such dull weather through June that the flowers on my very healthy looking plants remain unopened. Hey!ho! The runner beans have plenty of flowers ☺


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