
Monday, June 20, 2016


This project is still on my best double design wall.  I have been thinking about fabric for the insertions strips and top and bottom strip but haven't made a decision.  

All it is going to take is cutting a strip off each of the fabrics and putting it up on the design wall.  I just couldn't get started doing anything yesterday.  By the time I got home from church it was getting really hot.  I think my mind was set on a day of rest so I didn't do anything on this project.

I did go out and put in my half hour of weed pulling and I noticed my black raspberries were starting to ripen.  There was no sign of black yesterday.

This is the first day's yield.  The very first ones of the season taste so good!

The tomato plants are getting tall too and I have about 20 tomatoes on them not counting the grape tomatoes.

This is the largest of the tomatoes so far.  They are a smaller variety, the Early Girl.  I chose varieties that all produce a medium size tomato.

There are a couple bunches of Grape tomatoes on this plant.  I'm really hoping for tomatoes to eat by the 4th of July.  That might be a little ambitious but hopefully close.


  1. I remember when I planted my first blackberry bush and I was able to get some of the fruit the very first year. I am not a vegetable or fruit gardener, I am mainly a flower gal. But those blackberries were just beautiful, just like your black raspberries. Sure is hot, isn't it?

  2. wooh! love those fabrics. I think I recognize the Wooden Shark Teeth pattern from the gloriouscolor website you mentioned yesterday. are the other fabrics in your quilt from the same line / designer?

  3. If it were me, I wouldn't put any insertion strips in and just sew all the sections together. But then again, I am not sure where you are going with this quilt. I will be interested in seeing how it turns out.

  4. Without going back to look at the earlier posts about this quilt, I'm not sure why it needs insertion strips. I would be tempted to try the charcoal gray first since it would blend in rather than stand out. But, like Patty A., I'm not sure where you were heading with this one.

  5. Indecision means you just aren't ready yet to move. You have so many ideas and solutions in your head, that sometimes it takes a while for the final idea to show up and grab you.

  6. I will be picking my second dozen or so of tomatoes in a couple days. It has been a fight with the deer this year for the green beans and others but they leave the tomatoes alone - next year will need to think of some kind of fencing around the garden if I have one. Right now I have some wire curled over the tops of the green beans in hopes of saving them - at least I got one quart last night for my first picking. It is so hot though I wonder how long my garden will last, sometimes the heat is too much for them.

  7. I'm thinking the third one down , but I know you eye is much better than mine.

    Love those first berries. We enjoyed our first ripe tomato this weekend. It's great to have the summer flavors back.

  8. I picked another bowl of my raspberries yesterday. Yes, the first handful is always the best! I can't wait to see how you are going to change up this colorful triangle piece with one of these black/white pieces.

  9. I'm another wondering why you need to put insertion strips in this quilt. I love the all the different patterns made by the triangles and wonder if the strips wouldn't bread these up too much? I like either of the two smaller samples of fabric on your wall.

  10. I would love if you could show us a photo of your work on the BACK of this top......I recently pieced an all-triangle quilt and would like to see how you handle your seams to get all those points to match up. Thanks!

  11. Early Girls are the tomatoes we grow here because we live where it very foggy and other varieties won't ripen without the sun. I wouldn't have thought they would grow where you are.

    Love the triangles!


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