
Saturday, May 7, 2016

Progress on colorwash, good food, garden walk......

My two friends came over to sew yesterday and I worked on the colorwash.  The photo on the left is with all 22 rows sewn together.  The center photo has the 2 side borders that I worked on most of the day.  The third photo shows the 2 borders right next to the center section, ready to sew on.

I knew I wanted a darker edge on the left but I wasn't willing to cut more of the 1.5" x 3" rectangles (2" x 3.5" cut size).  Instead I went to my two boxes of 2" batik strips and pulled contenders out for audition.  I used strips of any length that was appropriate for color and value matching.
I had considered a strip across the top and bottom but decided that the binding will make the final finish just as well.

One of my 2 friends has a rhubarb patch so the last 2 times she has made a strawberry rhubarb pie and baked it at my house.  We bake it while sewing in the morning, then go to lunch and come back for warm pie and ice cream for dessert.  Yum!!!
In the early evening I went out to check the back garden.  The Lily of the Valley is blooming as well as the violets growing with nice long stems.

I had to pick my little bouquet.

The Brunnera with tiny blue flowers has migrated over to another section and is right next to another variety of Cranesbill.  It is getting ready to bloom too.

I dug up one of my huge hostas and pulled off 6 babies and replanted the mama plant in the spot where I dug it up.  I finished potting the 6 babies by moonlight so I'll show them tomorrow.


  1. I like how you arranged the colors into areas. Beautiful! Rhubarb pie is my favourite. My is just poking through the crust of the soil.

  2. I like it with the added side borders, too.

    And mmm, pie!


  3. I really love your blog. I could smell the rhubarb strawberry pie. What a great way to spend the day: quilting, lunch withfriends, fresh pie and ice cream, violets and lily of the valley.

  4. I have only tried making strawberry rhubarb pie once and it was too juicy and the bottom crust too wet - do you have a good recipe for it so it doesn't do that?
    Your wall pieces look perfect like always!

  5. Your colourwash quilts are always so wonderful and truly do glow!
    Love seeing your little bouquet - there is something so wonderful about spring bouquets! And lily of the valley is always such a treat to see.
    Your house must have smelled wonderful with the scent of that pie!

  6. Trying to determine if I want to attempt another colorwash quilt. Yours are stunning.

  7. Thank you, once again, for sharing all of your beautiful quilting AND garden beauty! One of these years I hope to do a color-wash with 'bricks'. You keep me inspired! :)


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